Donvius's avatar


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My Bio

I LOVE robots :D (Big Grin)

Current Residence: Poland
Favourite genre of music: Everything that's good
Favourite style of art: 3d graphics
Operating System: Windows 7 64bit
Favourite cartoon character: Freakazoid
Personal Quote: Jeeezz it sure is boring around here...

Favourite Movies
Favourite Games
Unreal Tournament series
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Tools of the Trade
BFG 9001
Other Interests
Computers, Games, Movies, Music, Teh Interwebz, 3d modeling


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commented on 's profile
Cool, I am working on it in this very moment. It will probably take some time though :)
A little update:
I will contact some of you in the next 18 hours or so max, and then i decide who i will go with.
Also thanks for the responses so far - didn't thought i will get that many so fast.

But for now - keep them offers still coming! :)
For starters I would like to point out that this whole job offering is a new experience to me, so if this whole offer seem ridiculous, please accept my apology and ignore this thread.

Hello everyone,

For some time now I've been trying to pick up 3d modelling as a hobby. So far I have made a couple of models, all of which are robots and most of them are inspired by the Transformers live-action films. Now, while those models might be looking cool and intricate (to SOME people at least) truth be told, they are just heaps of random parts (or simply junk) moved around till I decided that it looks ok. (Check my profile gallery to see what I mean.) This technique takes waaaaay too much time and as many commenters pointed out - the result might get quite bit messy. However, I kinda had to use this technique for a simple reason. My drawing skills are downright terrible and therefore I never really had a good concept art. This means I kinda come up with the design as I go. Sure, I always have a general idea of what features I would like to incorporate to the model (type of pose, what weapons does it have etc.), but that is obviously not enough.

So in order to get things done right and maybe learn something new, I'll need someone to make me a nice concept for my next robot character - here are some general ideas for the work and I will send more details after someone will be willing to take the job:

-The character is a highly agile and powerful sci-fi humanoid robot (walking on two legs) created by humans with the purpose to rule the earth after humanity

-Is a bit bigger then a tall human, lets say something around 1,5 height of an average human

-Needs to have the ability to fly using a small jetpack or maybe thrusters located on the legs (up to the concept artist to decide which one would be more aesthetically pleasing)

-Preferably has 4 arms, but again up to the concept artist (you might decide that its for example too busy looking)

-Needs to incorporate specific features for various parts that i will point out. Some (but not all) of these features are the look of its head, feet, stomach, additional doodles, etc. I will also supply you with pictures from various artists found around the web to help you better understand what i want.

-I will also give you a VERY, VERY, VERY rough sketch made by me, which while might be horrible, but with some addnotations and explanation should help you even further with understanding of the look i want for the concept.

-The overall style of the character i would like to be something similar to this entry from Dominance War 4: [link] And by that I mean lots of hard edges, with armour not always totally covering the whole mechanism. But please - no anime/gundam type stuff.

-If possible, please make the mechanical parts so that they actually make sense

-Keep in mind that i would like to model this, and my skill have limits - again refer to my profile gallery :)

-I would prefer the concept to be a line art, eventually with some grey shading, but no background. But its totally up to you - in fact you are the artist here and you decide what is the best for this type of concept.

-So overall, I will need you to take all this tips and info I will supply you with, and make it into one good concept art :)

-As for the price... well as i stated in the beginning, I don't have a good idea of prices in this type of a job. I'm still a student in college so this will basically go from my pocket money - I can give up to something around 50$ - maybe I'll be able to go bit higher, but that's something up for discussion after we see how this whole thing goes.However, in the even that I will not be entirely happy with the final outcome, I might pay out less. I'm paying via PayPal.

So, if after reading all this you are still interested, please send me a note with an offer and link to some of your work. If I will like what I see, I'll contact you back to discuss further details. Also if all goes well and I manage to do the whole model, I might have some more similar work in the future for you. (Of course, if you will be interested).
~4 months
Overlord Prime
A lot longer than it should... something around 4 months
Overlord Prime