Old Adoptables OPEN 28/36Donutt-King on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/donutt-king/art/Old-Adoptables-OPEN-28-36-847039671Donutt-King

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Donutt-King's avatar

Old Adoptables OPEN 28/36



Each are 100pts/$1 !!
please dont either complain about prices or beg for one because you cant buy (too many times tbh)

once bought you can do whatever youd like, but if uploaded to th credit me @/Donutt-king
to claim just comment which row number and 1-6 (ex: row 2 #4)

o=Open       X= closed

Row 1:  | o | o | x | x | o | o |
Row 2:  | o | x | o | x | o | o |
Row 3:  | o | o | o | o | o | o |
Row 4:  | o | o | o | x | o | o |
Row 5:  | x | o | o | o | o | o |
Row 6:  | o | x | o | x | o | o |

base by @/thekingtheory

if buying with $ my paypal is www.paypal.me/donuttking

If i forget to update i posted this on my selling th: toyhou.se/7379969.selling-old-…

Image size
4763x4591px 8.94 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Donutt-King
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kilaya14's avatar
May I get:
row 2 #2, row 2 #4, row 4 #4, row 6 #2, and row 6 #4
with PayPal please?