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A Troublesome Goddess ch1 by Dontheunsane, literature

The Slave of Marakor - Ch 1 by Dontheunsane, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

It's no trick by Dontheunsane, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Storm Feyrie Revisited by Dontheunsane, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

  • July 6
  • Australia
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (52)
My Bio

I was born, apparently this is quite normal, in 1957 and have managed to survive despite everything I have done, although, in a rather battered state.
I used to sketch and occasionally paint until life interfered. After a 25 year hiatus I have returned to sketching and painting and trying new directions in art. Last year (2008) I wrote a short story and someone read it, now it is a book (just finished the second book last month) and still not finished.
Sometimes I think the book is writing me.

Current Residence: Brisbane, western edge
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Anything that fits and is comfortable
Print preference: Large so I can read it
Favourite genre of music: Anything that sounds good to me
Favourite photographer: Don't really know any
Operating System: XP or Ubuntu
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Wallpaper of choice: Not keen on wallpaper
Skin of choice: The one that coveres my body, it seems useful but occasionally gets holes in it
Favourite cartoon character: Road Runner
Personal Quote: Tried sanity once, didn't like it.

Favourite Visual Artist
Err, next question
Favourite Movies
At the moment - Mongol
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Roy Orbison, Kraftwerk, Mike Oldfield, anyone who sounds good
Favourite Writers
Terry Pratchett
Favourite Games
Life, but I never know if I'm winning or loosing
Favourite Gaming Platform
Couldn't be bothered, there are better things to do with my life
Tools of the Trade
pencil, paper, eraser, computer, lightbox, brain but I'm not sure its working right
Other Interests
Staying alive, bush walking, photography, art, writing
Today I submitted the 'Rose of Eylil' to a publisher so I will be removing this story from here in accordance with standard publishing policies. It has been edited and some changes made for submission. They were quite impressed by my cover picture so here's hoping they will like the story just as much.
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Revised StorySince first posting my little story of The Healer there have been several significant changes. In their original form the books were quite large so for several reasons I have split them so now there are five books instead of the original three. In the process there have been some changes in the story, the change to five books allowed me to elaborate some sections that were a bit thin, shuffle a few bits around to give the story better flow and consistency and generally tidy up the story.I have been getting some interest from people who have more experience, or links, with publishing that hopefully will lead to my books being f...
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0 min read
Now I'm back its time to pull the finger out and start uploading some new material from the last two years so expect a few new pics. I haven't had much opportunity to wander around as my Land Rover is at the moment in about as many pieces as a Landy can be in but once all the pieces are back where they belong that is going to change. I have done some wandering so have a bit of a backlog of pics to upload. What I really need to do is get my arse into gear and finish some of my paintings and do a few more sketches for a bit of variety.
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Profile Comments 293

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stuffedbellylover's avatar
Happy Birthday Don!

All the best,

The-Dude-L-Bug's avatar
:party:   Happy Birthaversary Don!!!   :cake:   :woohoo:
The-Dude-L-Bug's avatar
:woohoo:   :party:  HAPPY Birthaversary Don!!!!!   :cake:   :dance:
stuffedbellylover's avatar

Merry Christmas Don!!!


All the best,



stuffedbellylover's avatar
Happy Birthday Don!

Hope you are still around!

All the best,

The-Dude-L-Bug's avatar
:party:     HAPPY Birthaversary!!!!!   :D    :dance:
Pale-Recluse's avatar
Ohh, thanks for the fav. Hope  you get a week of dry weather.