I was born, apparently this is quite normal, in 1957 and have managed to survive despite everything I have done, although, in a rather battered state.
I used to sketch and occasionally paint until life interfered. After a 25 year hiatus I have returned to sketching and painting and trying new directions in art. Last year (2008) I wrote a short story and someone read it, now it is a book (just finished the second book last month) and still not finished.
Sometimes I think the book is writing me.
Current Residence: Brisbane, western edge
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Anything that fits and is comfortable
Print preference: Large so I can read it
Favourite genre of music: Anything that sounds good to me
Favourite photographer: Don't really know any
Operating System: XP or Ubuntu
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Wallpaper of choice: Not keen on wallpaper
Skin of choice: The one that coveres my body, it seems useful but occasionally gets holes in it
Favourite cartoon character: Road Runner
Personal Quote: Tried sanity once, didn't like it.
Merry Christmas Don!!!
All the best,