I wonder, does anyone here really value Fragments? Because I have a lot of 'em that I don't need, since I barely use this site anymore. Nowadays I don't even look at other people's art; it's just a storage space...

Anyway, I was thinking about holding a raffle or a contest or something, where I could give away Diamond Badges (AKA 1-month Core) as prizes. I'd love to do it, although don't know if there are still enough active people around to make that sort of thing work...so this status post is to gauge interest.

If you think it'd be a fun idea and/or you really want some Fragments, leave a comment and say so. If nothing else, I'll have a list of people to dump them on if the contest angle doesn't work out.

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DokiDokiTsuna's avatar
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caboosemcgrief's avatar

i would love a contest