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The final angel has arrived! I love how his wings came out looking like fireworks; it was such a pleasant surprise to see that coming together~

So, Morpho...I don't know if I really emphasized how powerful he's supposed to be in this AU. He's practically a demigod...which makes him less powerful than the canon version, but second only to Void Termina himself in this universe. ^^

He began as some strange energetic remnant in another dimension, which Magolor managed to contain and bring back to his lab. He originally planned to use it to create weapons for the Lor Starcutter, but all his attempts to analyze it ended in disaster. Eventually he gave up and tried another approach: using a combination of his own magic and the Nova debris' wish-granting abilities to reform the energy into a person...and hopefully then it would tell him what it was for itself.

The result was this being of death and destruction, much to his surprise. But after hearing about what was happening and what Magolor was trying to accomplish, Morpho agreed to help. Ending worlds was supposed to be his thing, after all, and he couldn't allow Void Termina to do it in his place without a fight.

Unlike the other two angels, Morpho retains all his memories from his previous existence, and is remarkably proficient with the small portion of his magic power that he can access in this form (enough to actually teach Magolor and help him improve as a mage). In him, Division Six gained a team member who was strong, intelligent, observant, in possession of multiple eons' worth of ancient knowledge accross dimensions, and who could vaporize nearly anything with a flick of his wrist.

The only limiting factor to all these impressive qualities is that he is trapped in a squishy, fragile mortal body now, which is one of the few areas in which he has no knowledge whatsoever. ^^'

This ends up becoming a handicap to him as a fighter: it makes him a bit of a glass cannon. He can draw practically infinite energy for offense and defense from his magic, but if you can manage to catch him off guard and injure him (which is no easy task, but still) he won’t last very long after that. ^^' This is simply due to the fact that he’s not used to having blood and guts and pain signals that he doesn’t know how to ignore because he’s never had to before…just a bad scrape could weaken him severely. Anything worse than that could easily be a 1-hit KO; he just wouldn’t be able to get back up.
Of course, as I said, because he’s so ridiculously powerful and skilled (and very aware of that weakness) it usually isn’t an issue…although the other team members keep an eye on him just in case.

Besides that, being made a person also granted him the ability to care for people and value them as individuals-- another new experience that he becomes intensely curious about.
Fortunately, this makes him someone who is always trying to be a good friend to everyone around him, although his approach is a little overly-honest and analytical and...well, weird. But his friends don't mind. ^^

One thing I'd like to add before I go: So with this latest addition to the Void Destroyer system, Magolor has pretty much surpassed the rest of the Dream Alliance: Division Six now possesses enough firepower to not only make the other divisions obsolete, but to annihilate them all single-handedly if their young general so desires.
And this starts to make the other generals nervous...Susie especially, as she is still the leader of the organization and responsible for its future. Like...what's going to happen AFTER Void Termina is finally defeated? Should a teenage mad scientist be trusted with all that power?? Maybe it's time to find out how all his miraculous 'inventions' really work, and how they could be contained in case of an emergency...and maybe it's time to find out who this kid really is.
We'll come back to that later on~
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MrKinettle's avatar

That scythe gives me the feeling he’s compensating for something…