Ike and Marth Postcard thingydoki-mocha on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/doki-mocha/art/Ike-and-Marth-Postcard-thingy-281703745doki-mocha

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doki-mocha's avatar

Ike and Marth Postcard thingy



Alrighty I just made this like 20 minutes ago and this was a betch to color.:iconbetchplz:
It was on one of those poster thingies I got from drawing class, and I accidentally drew on the shiny side where stuff always smudged off and shiz.:iconohshizplz:
What sucks was the longer you leave the marker on it, the darker it is, that's why it looks all screwy, I has no timing:iconroyisnothappyplz:
Idk why I drew this, I guess I was in the mood to draw my favorite bluehaired wonders of the universe~
I think I was thinking about :iconzaina101: while I was drawing this, she loves Ike and Marth like me now, and stuff.
So I'm not sure what's going on the picture, all I know is you can't keep Ike and Marth in the same room for more than 5 minutes.:iconbetchikeplz::iconbetchmarthplz::iconcatfightplz:
So I made this with CRAYOLA markers.
I really like crayola, they bring me rainbow happiness.
What was I saying, oh yeah, this is like a postcard like thing because of the paper I drew on.
I was cleaning my desk, and I found this beautifully sexy sheet of paper just waiting to be used.
So I decided to draw on it, 30+ minutes later, VOILA!
Blue is born.
I'm blue da ba de da ba di!:iconcoolikeplz::iconcoolmarthplz:

I own this postcard thing, but sadly not the characters represented in the postcard thing....
Sorry for the crappy quality, my hand ain't so steady ya know?
A~nyways, Finals are over, and I'm actually getting into traditional stuff again.
And reading loads and loads of yaoi.
:iconbadassplz:Haters gonna hate on my swag.
It looks better in person.(No it doesn't:iconnoesburpplz:)
Image size
698x1076px 233.3 KB
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<Digimax V700 / Kenox V10 / Digimax V10 >
Shutter Speed
1/32 second
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8 mm
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Date Taken
Nov 27, 2011, 4:28:35 PM
© 2012 - 2025 doki-mocha
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little-taiyaki's avatar
Oh me gee. I love your coloring~!
Sadly, I ruin anything I touch with a marker. |D