My Past Comic 'Title'Dogwhitesector on DeviantArt

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Dogwhitesector's avatar

My Past Comic 'Title'



This is a comic that one of my friend(non deviant)'s request.
The comic's plot would be based on my friend's story.
There will be many things Silver could do that the game doesn't have.
Sadly Sonic nor his world's characters will appear in this portion, other characters are just made up, including the Queen and the King.

INTRO Page 1:[link]

The story will take place in Soleanna City. And will explain Silver's past experience as he writes a report about his history.

I do not know how long this comic would last since he also has two other sequel/prequels to it.

Silver belongs to SEGA
Image size
1700x2338px 744.2 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Dogwhitesector
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Critalice's avatar
Wooo the title sound like a biography :meow: The colors are awesome! I loved it :iconilikeitplz: