Dogwhitesector's avatar


mike...just mike
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Varied
  • Mar 3
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (356)
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
My Bio

Since I believe that colorful things make people look at it I would use these stamps to set my standards:
I don't do request stamp by G-manluver ...Sorry, I don't RP. by StampsByNeekko Not popular and happy by prosaix Devwatch isn't friendship by Entoxica

I haven't been able to draw or color anything, because of businesses, so this might be the first year that I used Devart (2011).

This account will be shared with MiG and Dogwhitesector..

Dog speaking...

Dogwhitesector will be on for almost most of the time because MiG busy with his job in Shanghai.
Both of us loved Sonic the Hedgehog since we were little
For me, I loved this show/game since I was 7.
After going a long process of addicting to different kinds of anime, genres such as Naruto (my favorite), One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Digimon.
I finally landed back in Sonic the Hedgehog again.
As for the animes, I still love them.
And probably will be using some elements in them for my Silver My Past comic.

As for MiG, he loved Sonic too.
Grown playing Sonic games, from the first to the Adventures. As I heard.
He's older than me. That is for sure.
He also has a job, which he loved. Art related. (I don't know what specific job he does)

Both of us live in different places in Shanghai.
Most of the nonsense and outburst comments would only by me.
MiG doesn't have to time to argue with pointless arguments.

Expect to see more of Sonic art in the future don't know my interest would change but I doubt it.

Dogwhitesector's Languages

USA Language Level stamp4 by Faeth-design China lang4 by Faeth-design BT EN Language Level stamp3 by Faeth-design Spanish lang2 by Faeth-design

MiG's Languages

JP Language Level stamp3 by Faeth-design USA Language Level stamp4 by Faeth-design China lang4 by Faeth-design

(ALL OWN BY Faeth-design)

What Dogwhitesector is and believes:
Nationality Stamp - America by MissBezz I Don't Use Bases Stamp by Yuisan Proud to be a College Student by mattnagy Untitled by Help Stamp by Foxy-Sketches Untitled by DA Stamp - Think 03 by tppgraphics Stamp: Liking School by Emotikonz Practice Stamp by Zombie-Faerie Stamp by LaylaTheBlackCheetah Anti-Blocking Stamp by In-The-Zone Math Stamp by WetWithRain Not a Yaoi or Yuri fan stamp by sonic2344 Untitled by Popularity stamp by MyStamps Follow the Rules -STAMP- by Nijihamu-can Correct Grammar by Red-Bananas by GrammarNazisUnited Respect stamp by Echofeather Untitled by Stamp: Education by Nekromanda Untitled by Depression Stamp by SparkLum Religion by MaruLovesStamps Playstation stamp by 3enzo Untitled by Sonic Fan Stamp by Penton Naruto and Smart by Kansani I don't do request stamp by G-manluver DA Stamp - Inspiration 01 by tppgraphics Artist Rights by taruto

What MiG is and believes:
Nationality Stamp - China by MissBezz I Don't Use Bases Stamp by Yuisan Help Stamp by Foxy-Sketches DA Stamp - Think 03 by tppgraphics Stamp: Liking School by Emotikonz Practice Stamp by Zombie-Faerie Fool of a Took stamp by purgatori Anti-Blocking Stamp by In-The-Zone Math is awesome by Happieh Untitled by Untitled by Bullying Is Not Mature Stamp by Caffeine-Master Untitled by Untitled by Follow the Rules -STAMP- by Nijihamu-can Correct Grammar by Red-Bananas by GrammarNazisUnited Grammar Nazi Stamp by Inuyasha907 Return the respect please by ChikitaWolf Untitled by Depression Stamp by SparkLum Untitled by Nintendo Fan Stamp by DigitalFlareon Pokemon is for fun :Stamp: by KooboriSapphire Untitled by Play LIFE -Stamp- by ElaryWakefield

Just to be safe if hacked


If there is a hacker hacking into other people's accounts to block your friends so that your friends blocks you, gets you in trouble, and could get you banned from DeviantART. Just on a accountant for.

Favourite Visual Artist
Pablo Picasso, Henri Matis, Paul Sasaun
Favourite Movies
Forrest Gump, Lord of the Rings, Avatar
Favourite TV Shows
Simpsons, Family Guy
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Linkin Park, Michaek Jackson
Favourite Books
Favourite Writers
C.S. Lewis, T.R. Tolken, Stephen King
Favourite Games
Call of Duty, Dynasty Warriors, Infamous
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation 3
Tools of the Trade
The Black Market (hehehe)
Other Interests
Volleyball, Badminton
Hello guys, this is Dogwhitesector speaking. Its been a long time since I last wrote these journals, well over two years.How has everything been for you guys?About the inactivity, unfortunately I'm still very busy in life, tending personal issues and also working on other projects that are in no relation the things I submit on Deviantart. So you're probably going to see the same activity from me as the last two years. Maybe I'll pop in occasionally to reply a few messages notes, other than that the same activity as always.Though there might be a chance that a spark would come back to me, I don't know when that would be.PS: Even though I wa...
anonymous's avatar
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Hi, its been a long time since I last spoke to you guys on DeviantArt. Anyway my sickness has healed, thanks for asking, and right now I'm a bit busy with both academic and personal projects.However I feel that I should take a break of DeviantArt, since I would be doing some of my own personal projects for the next few months. That means I would be stopping the splatoon comic, and some of the Sonic fan characters bios. As for the My Past Comic, sad to say but its cancelled. While I still have so many stories that I want to show you in the M.P, comic, I feel less and less interested in continuing it as the years gone by. And the stories are...
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Hi, I would like to notify my watchers that I would be on hiatus for a while, maybe a few months. Read the journal for more information.
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Profile Comments 1.7K

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MlpTmntDisneyKauane's avatar

Hey watch out! There's a hacker on the loose hacking the groups, you need to protect your groups!

RifftheWolf's avatar
Did you cancel "My Past"
SorZero3's avatar
Hey, Mike. It's been a really long time.
But hey, happy birthday, man. Hope you've been okay.
Happy Birthday to you to sonamy kiss gif Sonamy Horse SONAMY smile 2 Sonamy 4ever Pix Icon Starfiku
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