Since I believe that colorful things make people look at it I would use these stamps to set my standards:

I haven't been able to draw or color anything, because of businesses, so this might be the first year that I used Devart (2011).
This account will be shared with MiG and Dogwhitesector..
Dog speaking...
Dogwhitesector will be on for almost most of the time because MiG busy with his job in Shanghai.
Both of us loved Sonic the Hedgehog since we were little
For me, I loved this show/game since I was 7.
After going a long process of addicting to different kinds of anime, genres such as Naruto (my favorite), One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Digimon.
I finally landed back in Sonic the Hedgehog again.
As for the animes, I still love them.
And probably will be using some elements in them for my Silver My Past comic.
As for MiG, he loved Sonic too.
Grown playing Sonic games, from the first to the Adventures. As I heard.
He's older than me. That is for sure.
He also has a job, which he loved. Art related. (I don't know what specific job he does)
Both of us live in different places in Shanghai.
Most of the nonsense and outburst comments would only by me.
MiG doesn't have to time to argue with pointless arguments.
Expect to see more of Sonic art in the future don't know my interest would change but I doubt it.
Dogwhitesector's Languages

MiG's Languages

What Dogwhitesector is and believes:
What MiG is and believes:

Just to be safe if hacked
If there is a hacker hacking into other people's accounts to block your friends so that your friends blocks you, gets you in trouble, and could get you banned from DeviantART. Just on a accountant for.