Current Residence: Cali of the forina
Favourite style of art: looney
Shell of choice: Something with a ghost
Favourite cartoon character: Twilight sparkle
Explicit Account:…
Finite intelligence is infinitesimal stupidity. -Dogma
All things will follow their path of least resistance.-Dogma
"At the moment of one's first victory, defeat is no longer an option." -Eve
Strickland laws of existence-
1.Nothing can have a single state.
2.Nothing remains in a single state.
3.Everything falls to the lesser state.
"Knowledge comes with a price, but oblivion is priceless."
"Not from our dreams that we learn, but learning from why we dream."
"There is no hard, just things you make softer"
From something to nothing or nothing to something and something to nothing then back into something or never was nothing and always be nothing or always a something and always will be. So if you write something that may just be nothing, then follow these rules that may give you something, and if you get lucky and turn into something remember that something you got it from me. Cause only from nothing is when you get something and something through nothing is slower than nothing that's going through something. I wish I was bluffing and all this was nothing but these are the answers so take it from me. -Dogma
The only thing that exists with power, is power itself. -Dogma
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Aren't your drawings ziziloopsy's characters?
They are Zizi's yes.
Hello, there
Just some art I did of Hanazuki sleeping with some of her friends.