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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
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My Bio

Current Residence: Cali of the forina

Favourite style of art: looney

Shell of choice: Something with a ghost

Favourite cartoon character: Twilight sparkle

Explicit Account:…

Finite intelligence is infinitesimal stupidity. -Dogma

All things will follow their path of least resistance.-Dogma

"At the moment of one's first victory, defeat is no longer an option." -Eve

Strickland laws of existence-

1.Nothing can have a single state.

2.Nothing remains in a single state.

3.Everything falls to the lesser state.

"Knowledge comes with a price, but oblivion is priceless."

"Not from our dreams that we learn, but learning from why we dream."

"There is no hard, just things you make softer"

From something to nothing or nothing to something and something to nothing then back into something or never was nothing and always be nothing or always a something and always will be. So if you write something that may just be nothing, then follow these rules that may give you something, and if you get lucky and turn into something remember that something you got it from me. Cause only from nothing is when you get something and something through nothing is slower than nothing that's going through something. I wish I was bluffing and all this was nothing but these are the answers so take it from me. -Dogma

The only thing that exists with power, is power itself. -Dogma

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Favourite Visual Artist
Lauren Faust
Favourite Movies
They live
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Games
Any Simulator
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS3/SketchBook/3DSMax

Chimera Virus

0 min read
(INTRO) There had been Innumered theories on it's origin and purpose. Co-oped viruses. Religious, Goverment, Corperate attempts at universal control. Advanced nano machines, rouge Artificail Intelligence. The ultimate life form and care taker of evolution itself. We had a solution. But so did everyone else. News spreading faster than any pathogen concieved. A solution to our blindness. Awakened to the fact we, amoung everyone else. We were the ones under the microscope. The soul motivator being the pathogen was unmanipultive. It was the one in control. The only form of life incapable of being classified as such. It was a cat and mouse game for the next forty years. The pathogen would kill, the goverments gave chase. With each attack leaving a unique fingerprint. Classified by the goverment as an unknown pathogen and mannered to the pulic as random acts of tragic circumstance. Gas leaks, mass suicieds, it didn't matter. When the autopsies stopped, that's when the conspires
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Station 22

0 min read
It is here, trapped in a literary purgatory, a seamless singular memory, dyed and distributed akin to only, a curse. A form of stimulating verbal context that cannot without fortitude, be conveyed. As the passing of the final word of this text is read, here you will have found yourself. Inquisitive toward the basilisk of fasting, fatigued, unquenched hour encapsulating your fleshy hue. To this point I prescribe to the current seeker of this vitriol two options, cease reading and stay your obliviousness to the contents of this letter, or forge through once more, ignoring the debilitating physical ailments. No efficient reasoning pedestals your presence here, but to foretell that what you are about to read does not unveil in the structure of your mean conventional telling of saga. What you are doing is entering a memory. Not a long-forgotten memory nor the author's memory. You are in no physical danger, only by chance you are to remember what Is currently being read. Abstaining from
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From Ashes to Ashley Created by Planton Written by McCubed & Cheesepuff Act1. Scene 1 Int. LamaSprings Mall -Day Soft Jazz plays over the stores speakers system as Zoin stares blankly into the camera. Her mom laments over the same set of clothing racks for a fifth time. ZION (Gaping her mouth toward the sky) UGH! Mom, can we go now? We've been here for hours. I think my legs are going to fall off. ZION'S MOTHER Oh stop it Zion, it's been ten minuets. You have been wearing the same outfit for a week now and the school is starting to wonder If I spend any money for my own daughter. ZION It's called a persona mom. ZION'S MOTHER Well, whatever it's called, I don't want to see it anymore. Now help me find something. Or we will be here all day. ZION (With an elongated groan Zion slowly rolls out of her chair) Please tell me the city is being devoured by a starving interdimensional demon. LIA (Through Zion) Sorry kid, but it looks as the only demon you will be battling today will be
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J-K-123's avatar

Aren't your drawings ziziloopsy's characters?

Dogmaf's avatar

They are Zizi's yes.

Looney-Goober2006's avatar
Dogmaf's avatar
Dogmaf's avatar
bradders16's avatar

Just some art I did of Hanazuki sleeping with some of her friends.

Sleepy Time