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dogmadic on DeviantArt
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I pretended not to see the "No Photos" sign posted at the entrance of the beautiful Poble Nou cemetery in Barcelona Spain. I was wandering around for awhile and saw that a few other visitors were taking photos. I pulled my camera slowly out and was able to take a few dozen discrete pictures when I noticed that my memory card was full. I took it out and found my backup card, slid the full one into my jeans pocket and started taking more photos. All of a sudden I heard someone behind me, speaking loudly in Spanish. I turned around and saw a man in a security guard uniform. He walked up to me, wagging his finger and insisted that I erase all of the cemetery images from my camera. I was shaking a bit as I deleted about 12 pics in front of him and begged his forgiveness, "Lo siento, lo siento!!..." I pleaded as I put my camera away and made my way back out of the cemetery (the extra data card squirreled away in my pocket.)
"El Peto de la Mort" Marbrista Jaume Barba 1930
another view here: [link] and here: [link]
"El Peto de la Mort" Marbrista Jaume Barba 1930
another view here: [link] and here: [link]
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650x850px 310.74 KB
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Wow! Why don't they allow photos?