Intro: Teen Dawna MaukaeDocWolph on DeviantArt

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Intro: Teen Dawna Maukae



Dawna Maukae is Rae's first adopted sister in the "new Universe". Having grown up together they have developed, through training and learning together, the same overall level of power, but Dawna errs on the side of speed and agility instead of Rae's reliance on strength. Dawna is a showoff and a bit hyper, but she also looks out for Rae though honestly believes Rae is acting a bit dim deliberately. This especially when Rae can be frighteningly focused and intelligent when pushed.

Dawna is most visibly boy-crazy but has her heart on the semi-feral Mau (more on him in the near future).

I'll have a character write-up on Dawna soon.
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Dude you're gonna have to spell some of this stuff out soon. This has got more retcons and plot holes than Crisis on Infinite Earths and Parallax combined