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In my search of content to post when I have no new sketches, nor new mythology drawings to show, I took the time to fill this board, motivated by who did the same with his own works, but with my mythological designs. Of course, I broke one of the rules, since some of my actual inspirations come from other artists whom I discovered on DA, but since we're talking about mythological figures born from collective imagination, I guess it's not that bad OF COURSE, THE ONLY DRAWINGS I DID ARE THE ONES AFTER THE "=" SYMBOL ! Sorry for the capital letters, but I want to be as clear and honest about that, out of respect for the artists who inspired me (plus, some of them are friends here ) ! By the way, if you feel uneasy about your work appearing in this submission, I can delete it, I would understand
Apophis : Jafar's snake form in Disney's "Aladdin", for the general design ; 's Apep, for the horn and the hood's shape ; 's Apophis, for the hood design and the spines on the back, and Shin Megami Tensei games' Illuyanka, designed by Kazuma Kaneko, for the pose !
Pele : Te Ka from Disney's "Moana", for the general design ; 's Pele, for the skin color, the flower garlands and the smoking head ; Elia Morettini's Pele, mostly for the haircut and the cracking skin ; and Herbert K. Kane's Pele, for the half-dried lava hair !
Tezcatlipoca : Tezcatlipoca/Tloquenahuaque as drawn by Michael Bukowski (check out his amazing blog !, for the head design, several costume elements, and the smoking obsidian mirror replacing his right foot ; 's Tezcatlipoca, for several costume elements ; 's Tezcatlipoca, for the jaguar-skinned arms and leg, and some costume elements ; and 's Tezcatlipoca, for the turquoise crown and extra feathers !
Oni : the Oni drawn by Peter David Scott, used in the "Weird n' Wild Creatures" card game, for the general design ; traditional Oni masks, mostly for the horns' placement ; this Oni drawn by an artist I couldn't manage to clearly identify, for the general design ; and the Oni designed by Kazuma Kaneko for the Shin Megami Tensei games, for the short cape and the very long weapon, mostly
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aww nice