ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
dobywap on DeviantArt
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Luis y Laura fueron a la playa para divertirse, pero Luis estaba inquieto como siempre y Laura solo esperaba a que se fuera o calmara, pero Luis queriendo que su hermana lo acompañara la gala, pero eso hace que se golpeen la cabeza, tras el golpe cada uno se siente raro, hasta ver que estaban en el cuerpo del otro, tras la sorpresa ambos tocan sus caras extrañados y asustados por ver su cuerpo desde ese Angulo
Luis and Laura went to the beach to have fun, but Luis was restless as always and Laura just waited for him to leave or calm down, but Luis wanted his sister to accompany him to the gala, but that makes them hit their heads, after the blow Each one feels strange, until they see that they were in the other's body, after the surprise they both touch their faces surprised and scared to see their body from that Angle
Luis and Laura went to the beach to have fun, but Luis was restless as always and Laura just waited for him to leave or calm down, but Luis wanted his sister to accompany him to the gala, but that makes them hit their heads, after the blow Each one feels strange, until they see that they were in the other's body, after the surprise they both touch their faces surprised and scared to see their body from that Angle
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1363x3250px 496.59 KB
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