Breast Expansion in That's My Bush #1Doalfe65 on DeviantArt

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Breast Expansion in That's My Bush #1



Clip taken from the 2001 episode "S.D.I-Aye-AYE!" for the TV comedy series "That's My Bush!"  In the episode, George W. Bush (Timothy Bottoms) can't get a cable hookup, so he turns to Larry who gets him an illegal hookup.  The S.D.I. System in the White House sends a missile to Austria.  The president of Austria and two of his assistants break into the White House to destroy Washington, D.C.  Meanwhile, Princess (Kristen Miller) is tired of being stupid so she orders pills over the internet she thinks will make her smarter.  This is the first of a two-part series.

In this clip, the pills that Princess ordered arrive at the White House.  Unfortunately, she thought they were memory pills to make her smarter, and they were actually Mammary Enhancer pills, to make her breasts grow.  The label says to take 2 every 24 hours, so she takes 10 since she needs to get smarter.  She later takes more pills.  The following day, she shows up and she has grown substantially.  Laura Bush (Carrie Quinn Dolin) and Maggie Hawley (Marcia Wallace) are shocked when they see her.

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800x604px 72.9 MB
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Gluttony-Witch's avatar

at the start she's dressed like Ashley from resident evil or Ashley is dressed like her. depending what came first