Spanish Republic liberated nazi camp of Mauthausendlink97 on DeviantArt

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Spanish Republic liberated nazi camp of Mauthausen



"Anti Fascist spaniards greet the liberation forces"

Mauthausen was a primary goal for the Republic. Not surprisingly, the nickname of the place was "the camp of the Spaniards".
There were many Spaniards captured in France and during the invasion of Spain. They even had their own "triangle labeled" to identify better (the Spaniards were, along with the Soviets, especially hated): It was a triangle with the colors of the Republic and within one blue triangle (immigrant) or red (indicating membership in the armed forces). Above the colored triangle, the letter "S" was placed (Republikanische Spanier = Republican Spanish). The result was this
Fortunately, still the majority, they could organize themselves better and survive.

A celebrated case is Luis Montero Álvarez, captain of the Republican Army, Secretary General of the clandestine Communist Party within the field of Mauthausen, member of the French Resistance and also leader of IMA (International Military Apparatus), a secret group organized by the prisoners.
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