Pokemon Sword and Shield - AlcremieDizzys-Stuff on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dizzys-stuff/art/Pokemon-Sword-and-Shield-Alcremie-806542210Dizzys-Stuff

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Pokemon Sword and Shield - Alcremie



Introducing the all new frozen Alcremie treat, in stores now with flavors including "Strawberry Classic", "Cherry Waffle Cone" and "Cookie Caramel Delight". Get all three flavors of Alcremie for a cheap price of $4.99 each. The summer temperatures may be rapidly increasing, but our prices will always remain at an all-time low.

That being said, it's been ridiculously hot lately. And while I was at the grocery store mulling over ice cream flavors, I couldn't help but be reminded of Alcremie. So, here you go. It's Alcremie from Pokemon Sword and Shield, now in three distinct flavors. 
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