Childhood FriendsDivineSpiritual on DeviantArt

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DivineSpiritual's avatar

Childhood Friends



I honestly needed to draw these two when they were younger. Since I posted them being babies, why not draw them as children next. For them, they have been close friends since they met when they were babies. Atem took it upon himself to always look after Bast since she was born weak. Luckily, she managed to survive and continue to grow into a pretty little girl. It's not doubt that she will one day become a very beautiful young woman. Nubit also made sure to teach and train her daughter to be a proper lady. But don't worry, Nubit isn't harsh on her daughter. She's strict but she means well. Plus she is always willing to listen to Bast if she wants to do something. It's why Bast enjoys spending time with Atem (and Mana as well) since she can be around them. Atem loves spending time with Bast since she sees him as a person and not a prince. I did use a ref off of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time picture to get their poses down. They came out so adorable. :3 Next up is probably going to be their wedding picture. XD

Atem (c) Kazuki Takahashi
Bast, art (c) me
Image size
2156x2213px 2.52 MB
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