The Revenge of the Ice DragonDisneyponyfan on DeviantArt

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The Revenge of the Ice Dragon



Shield, Opaline and Drago come home to find everything covered in snow. They find out the Ice Dragon has returned. He has a new power that he uses to freeze things. He puts a huge pole in their house, which will block out the sun, making it snow everywhere. He succeeds, but is still sad because he doesn't have any of his ice dragon friends. He says the hole in the Ozone Layer melted them and the North Pole. So Drago goes on a plane and literally sews up the hole in the Ozone Layer. The Ice Dragons come back, and the one ice dragon goes with them, and the snow at Drago's house melts. The Ice Dragon returns home and his friends come back to life, happy to be back home with his friends.

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