Disney Destiny needs new members by readlliea, journal
Disney Destiny needs new members
Once upon a time, there were heroes. Unlikely heroes that ranged from pets, to royalty, to animals, to demigods, to beggar boys, to wild men, to aliens, to toys, and to certain special mice. These heroes faced great evil, made friends, overcame their own struggles, and grew into their rightful places, casting down forces of darkness. Ten heroes' happy endings were so wonderful that they literally produced pure essences of Good energy.These essences became Orbs of Power. The heroes were oblivious to what their deeds had produced—but the extraordinary wizard, Yen Sid, was not. He collected each Orb as it appeared and transported them all to ...
More Star Wars Episode VII Big Name Casting Rumors!
Breaking news on the"Star Wars Episode VII" rumor mill front. "Latino Review Online" is now reporting that Leonardo DiCaprio, Ryan Gosling and Zac Efron have met with Disney and director J.J. Abrams about the upcoming, seventh Star Wars film. While DiCaprio has already denied such rumors as of this post, it seems the other two may still be in the mix . . .