What If Scroop Had a Change of Heart?DisneyFanGirl1997 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/disneyfangirl1997/art/What-If-Scroop-Had-a-Change-of-Heart-1056615004DisneyFanGirl1997

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What If Scroop Had a Change of Heart?



Blank meme by @topcatmeeces97

What if this antagonist had a change of heart?

I know this is doubtful, but when I rewatched this movie at age 18, I kind of wish he'd reform. Don't get me wrong, I found some fanart where he doesn't appear so mean like where Scroop gave Jim Hawkins a hug. John Silver appeared suspicious at first until Scroop mentioned "hug" and he, John Silver, and Jim Hawkins hugged. Jim didn't seem happy at first, but hey. I thought it was cute.

There was another piece of fanart where Scroop tickled Amelia's and someone else's feet with a feather. I think it was tickle torture, but hey. Not too bad, right?

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warriormoonnight's avatar

I do wish Scroop would've changed if he hadn't...