Megacon 2019-16-Piccolo figurineDisneyFan-01 on DeviantArt

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Megacon 2019-16-Piccolo figurine

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This figurine is one of my most prized possessions of my all time favorite character of Dragon Ball Z.  I bought it years ago at a video store as it is a very rare and authentic collectors edition.  I don't think you can find these anymore because I can't find it anywhere online.
However, it has lost its collector's value because my Ma threw away the box it came in.  Parents just don't understand collectors value as all they see is a toy that gathers dust and a box that is taking up room.

Anyways, I brought this to the convention and had to gently wrap it up in a towel. 
When it was my turn to meet Chris Sabat, he picked it up and said, "Aww, poor Piccolo all wrapped up in a towel."
I told him, "This is a very rare figurine, but it's not as valuable as it used to be because my Ma threw away the box.  She doesn't understand about collector's values."
He said, "Oh, my God, I know  exactly what you mean.  When I was a kid, I bought a rare model of the Millennium Falcon and my mother threw away the box because it was just taking up too much room. You're right.  Parents do NOT understand!"
As he was picking out a pen, I told him, "I have to tell you that Piccolo was perhaps my very first crush."
He nodded, "That is understandable and a good choice.  He is a great character and a very fatherly figure."
Image size
1960x4032px 579.29 KB
Shutter Speed
1/10 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
May 19, 2019 8:25:37 PM +00:00
© 2019 - 2025 DisneyFan-01
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