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The Disney Home Chapter 3 by EmilyDfan, literature

The Disney Home Chapter 2 by EmilyDfan, literature

Annabelle chapter-12 (Updated) by BeckTinker21, literature

Comments 18

anonymous's avatar
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928224376273737WO's avatar
Stop Disney ending Physical Media (DVDs/Blu-Rays)I wouldn't normally do something like this, but it was brought to my attention and I do think this is important.Disney is going to end the production of physical media - such as DVDs and Blu-Rays - in Australia, and this practice will likely spread to other countries if it succeeds. What this means is that you will have to watch their new movies/shows purely on Disney+.This presents a problem for the following reasons:01. While you can put a DVD/Blu-Ray disc on anytime you feel like it, Disney+ requires you to have an internet connection and a Disney+ account. If you don't have a Disney+ account or good internet, or your internet/Disney+ goes down for any reason, then you're out of luck.02. The DVD/Blu-Ray version of a film/show displays it as it was meant to be shown, sometimes with extras you may want to watch. On Disney+, you not only lose access to some/all of those extras, but we've seen Disney making little "edits" to scenes from older films/shows that they now consider "problematic" - such as a scene from Splash! where Daryl Hannah's character runs and jumps into the ocean (which takes mere seconds) now has some bad CGI hair covering her rear. It may be a minor edit, but it's a sign of bigger changes that will inevitably come as more stuff is altered/censored.03. When you have a DVD/Blu-Ray version of a film/show, you own it because you've bought and paid for it and will always have access to it as long as the disc is maintained well. With Disney+ (and while streaming may initially offer some convenience), you're effectively renting a film/show to watch and don't own it. Additionally, if Disney decides to pull it from their streaming service (like they did with the Willow TV series) or it's not on their streaming service to begin with, then you're again out of luck.04. The loss of physical media will put a lot of smaller business who rely on selling physical media in financial difficulty or may be put out of business altogether, especially if other companies start following Disney's lead. The last thing we need right now is more people on the unemployment line.As such, check out these Change.org petitions and maybe consider signing them. If you've read this far, thank you for your time: https://www.change.org/p/save-the-disc-petition-to-keep-disney-physical-media-in-australia https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-endgame-don-t-let-disney-stop-selling-physical-media-dvds-blurays-etc If you do sign these petitions, please forward this journal (or the links) around so we can get more people signing.I hope you all have a great day.
Lamp-Mother's avatar
Thanks for accepting the affiliation with :icontblt-fandom:! I write a lot of Brave Little Toaster fanfictions involving the Parts Shop characters from the first film and I really hope your group enjoys them! :D
EmilyDfan's avatar
Hello Everyone! I just joined , and I just thought I should introduce myslef!

Im a Huge Disney Fan! My Favorite Disney films are 'Sleeping Beauty', 'Treasure Planet', and many other, my Favorite Disney Cartoon Series is 'Gargoyles' along with other Disney Afternoon shows

and As much as I love making Disney Fan Art and making Disney Cosplay costumes, I LOVE writing Disney Fanfiction

And I hope you guys do like the stories I put up!
artfromtheheart92's avatar

:iconbummy2: Hey there :wave:

As an affiliate of your group, I just wanted to spread the word that a new group has recently been created and affiliated with my group :iconcaptain-silver-fans: and is now seeking members :dummy:

:iconimaginaerumemporium: created for those Disney fans, who've imagined their original character/stories residing in the Disney universe, as cannon.

Be sure to swing on by ImaginaerumEmporium for a great time! :la::D

Fire-Dragon-Slayer16's avatar
So I take it my work is not allowed in this group?
ADFTlove's avatar
Anime is not allowed in this group cause its not related to Disney even if its a crossover with Disney sorry
moonbaby17's avatar
Hi! Could you please announce this contest disney-couples-group.deviantar…
to your members? 

It would mean the world to us! :)