Choosing Paints, Part I: Fat and ... Translucent? by isthisthingstillon, journal
Choosing Paints, Part I: Fat and ... Translucent?
Trad Basics Week Introduction When learning how to paint traditionally, most people pick their colours two ways: buying a kit of basic colours , and/or buying random tubes that look like they might resemble the colours in the finished piece the person is envisioning. Unfortunately a lot of beginners don't have a teacher standing over their shoulders advising them which tube of red or white is going to be most useful in the long-run, or how that one $12 tube will last fifteen times longer than the $4.75 "student grade" tube beside it - and be easier to work with.Student-grade cobalt violet hue is not amused with my elitism.In this art...
Creepy, Macabre, And horror are my speciality. I've been drawing ever since I was a kid and plan to continue until otherwise. Have any scary ideas you would like me to draw? Just tell me.
Hi! I’ve decided to come back to deviant art. I took a break because I wanted to work on art and try to get better. I think it’s important, to better yourself when you can. Anyways, I’m here! :))
Okay so I'm working on two comics and I want you guys to vote which one you want as a deviant art exclusive, Ember base or SHEINFELT the musical which ever gets more votes I will release