Stop Hating Smartassesdinyctis on DeviantArt

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dinyctis's avatar

Stop Hating Smartasses



Another posted just to show that I'm still around. =P

For years, our smartass comrades have taken flak. Speak up against the politically correct pigdogs!

While I will concede the point that timing is our biggest weapon as well as our nemesis, far too often people try to shut us down merely because they are uptight idiots who not only try to keep us quiet when its not “convenient,” but also make “funny” or “witty” remarks just to be shut down themselves (karma, biatch).

The true smartass is 100%. Not only can h/she dish it out with the best timing and in good taste, but receives it and appreciates it as a reminder to take a step back and lighten up.

Seriously, though. Lighten up. And fellow smartasses……work on your timing, for only a smartass who knows when to fire is a true master of wisecracking.

Design....err well nothing fancy, as you can see. The point was simple, and the design needed to match that.

Print and wallpaper: If enough people ask for it, I’ll do it.

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550x733px 310.9 KB
© 2006 - 2025 dinyctis
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origamiakatsuki101's avatar
You know in my family if you say dead puppy long enough and in a funny voice you'll get a laugh.