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Follow Mother Nature's voice
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
My Bio

Hello everybody.
Welcome to my devianArt page! Hope you like my art and thank you for coming.
Let me introduce myseft. I am a biologist student who love those creatures that inhabit our world in the past. Dinosaurs, giant insects from the Carboniferous, pelycosaurs, trilobites, etc.
In addition I like to create my own worlds and universes. Nowadays I'm working in several ideas. If you are interested, take a look to my gallery. I wish you find what you were looking for.
I am also a great video games, film, comics and animation fan. That is the reason of such as number of fan artworks here.
Nothing more to say. Feel free to talk to me if you want.

Hope you enjoy my gallery.

You can find me in Instagram and in Tumblr. I'm also in Twitter

Twitter: @ DinoDrawer

Favourite Visual Artist
C.M Kosemen, John Conway, Simon Roy
Favourite Movies
How to train your dragon, Jurassic Park, Toy Story, Saving Ryan Soldier, Up, Blade Runner, Interstellar,Minority Report...(Sci-fi rules!)
Favourite TV Shows
Documentaries,Walking with dinosaurs(and Walking with Monsters too), Spongebob, The Simpson, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, The Big Band Theory and Breaking Bad
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Martin O'Donell, Audimachine, Two steps from hell, (epic music in general)
Favourite Books
El huevo del dinosaurio, All tomorrows, Percy Jackson and Raptor Red
Favourite Writers
Stephen Jay Gould and C.M Kosemen
Favourite Games
Mass Effect Trilogy, Halo, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, Dragon Age: Origins, Portal 2, Assassins Creed 2, Mario and Luigi Partners in time,...
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360, PC, Wii, Nintendo DS and 3DS
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, eraser, pen, markers, colour pencils and graphic tablet
Other Interests
Dinosaurs, nature, mythology, cosplay and military

I'm back!

0 min read
Hello there...(General Kenobi).Ok. Sorry for being innactive so much time but I have experimented a lot of changes in my life. Now I feel different. I'm a different person and I want to think in a better way. Also, I have recently discovered my real motivation in life. I have decided I want to be a paleoartist and a original illustrator. So here I am. Maybe things are going to change here a little but I'll work hard to keep a great quality in my drawings and showing my crazy ideas. Dino-drawer is back and more powerful than ever before! Enjoy the new art! Thank you.
anonymous's avatar
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New artist!

0 min read
Hey, guys! My buddy :iconxanatos94: has submited his first drawing! I'm very proud. He is giving his first step into drawing. It's very exinting.Go and check his gallery. He is starting but I'm sure he will be progressing quite well.Support unknown artist!Thank you and thanks for read!
anonymous's avatar
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Hello guys!I'm really active in Instagram and Tumblr writting about my universes and submitting sketches. If you are interested follow me . I'm @natalia.dinodrawer (Instagram) and @natalia-dinodrawer(Tumblr).So...let's see my actual unfinished artworks:  -Jare'hul (race from my fantasy universe) -Art trade with :iconkurousagiNyu: (DONE). -Spiderman with armor New forum here->http://forum.deviantart.com/devart/general/2283777/ Thank you so much for your support! Don't worry. I'll keep putting drawings here (I have a lots in the reserve. xD).Hope you enjoy my current art.^W^
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Profile Comments 998

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Jakeukalane's avatar
Genial galería, una pasada más de tus dibujos. He visto que ya había favoriteado algunos pero el resto también es excepcional. Mucho ánimo y un saludo muy grande.
Dino-drawer's avatar
Muchísimas gracias por tus palabras y tu apoyo. Significa mucho para mí que te gusto lo que hago. Mucho ánimo a ti con tus bichos. ¡A ver si nos vemos en la próxima expo!
Un abrazo.
Jakeukalane's avatar
Espero que sí y ojalá pueda encargarte algún dibujo :)
3wyl's avatar
Hello! :wave:

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Overall, we hope you have an awesome time in our group! :typerhappy:
Sanrou's avatar
Thank you for the watch!    :D
Dino-drawer's avatar
You are welcome! Great creatures!
Sanrou's avatar
Thanks!  I am a dummy!