MerMay #23: #Tradition + Quote #131DiniumSun on DeviantArt

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MerMay #23: #Tradition + Quote #131



Day 23 of MerMay 2023 



It is tradition in the merfolk society to give pearls as an engagement gift.

Jessica did not know this when she give this to Ashley, she thought she was just giving her frienemy an anniversary gift from when she became a mermaid. 

They had become mermaids on the same day, Ashley had remembered and given her best friend some music stones. Jessica felt bad that her foe had gone out of her way to do this for her
so went and found a pearl at a second hand store and give it to her a week later.

Little did she know that not only did Jessica just proposed but she had also found a rare pearl and on the anniversary of them becoming 'friends'.

Jessica did not understand why Ashely was so happy over a cheap gift- until one of their friend mentioned that was a rare pearl and the poor student just realized she had given a lot of money away to
an already rich person...

The kiss that followed was something else Jessica did not understand- who would kiss their foe on the kiss, no matter if it was a rare pearl or not. 

Day 24: 


Day 22:  


MerMay #22: #Zodiac + Quote #130 by DiniumSun


Quote #131:

“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”

 Gustav Mahler

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3024x4032px 2.64 MB
iPhone 14 Pro Max
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1/349 second
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2 mm
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Date Taken
Jul 11, 2023 10:24:11 PM +01:00
© 2023 - 2025 DiniumSun
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