DingoDogPhotography's avatar


Nice to meet you. I'm Shelby.
105 Watchers110 Deviations

"The rumours of my death; have been greatly exaggerated."

And yes; I did just quote both Douglas MacArthur and Will Rogers.

After an extended sabbatical away from deviantART; I have returned. I was going through some personal changes in my life, and just lost interest in my DA page. I never stopped photographing; just stopped posting.
But now I'm back; and just posted a new photo to my gallery.

The worst part about coming back is looking at my Message Center and seeing 12,867 messages (of which 231 are comments that I still need to respond to). So if you've sent me a comment or note, in the last 6 months; I'm sorry I haven't responded. I hope to answer all of them in the coming weeks.

Live long and prosper, y‘all.

Journal Skin by Thewinator
Shell stocks by huomennastock, chop-stock and hatestock
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Happy Birthday Matt

Today is my friend, Matt's (~Pikafart :iconpikafart: ) Birthday. :iconhappybirthdayplz: He's an awesome friend and a very talented young artists. Matt is the type of person who is always happy to help anyone and never asks anything in return.  I wanted to do something special for his Birthday; so I decided to make a Journal feature dedicated to him. Please look through his gallery, Fav. his works, give a Llama :llama:, and just say "Happy Birthday" to him.
"Matt. I know you've been feeling down in the dumps lately; but I hope this puts a smile on your face." :icondragongrin:



Happy Birthday, my crazy friend.

Journal Skin by Thewinator
Shell stocks by huomennastock, chop-stock and hatestock
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Alright this will be my first attempt at one of these, so let see how it goes.

i took this from ~elizabeth930

Post this in your Journal with the title saying, "I act like a __ year-old".

[X] You know how to make a pot of coffee.  (I make a dang good cup of coffee. Each day, I make about 2 pots.)
[X] You keep track of dates using a Calender.  
[ ] You own a credit card. (Who need one, when you have a Debit card.)
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car. (Ya. Go to Jiffy Lube.)
[X] You've done your own laundry.
[X] You can vote in an election.
[X] You can cook for yourself. (Pizza is 3 minutes in the microwave.)
[X] You think politics are interesting.
Total: 6

[ ] You show up for school late a lot. (Work? No. I'm very punctual.)
[X] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket. (Holy crap, I just realized. I'm a GEEK. **soft crying**)
[ ] You've never gotten a detention.
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday.
[ ] You like to take walks by yourself. (I don't want to be alone with the voices in my head. They tell me to burn thing.)
[X] You know what credibility means without looking it up.
[X] You drink caffeine at least once a week. (Once a week? Try every other hour. I'm drinking Coffee right now.)

Total: 3

[X] You know how to do the dishes.  
[ ] You can count to 10 in another language.
[X] When you say you're going to do something you usually do it. (I'm going to invade and enslave the entire nation of Canada.:crazy:)
[X] You can mow the lawn.    
[X] You study even when you don't have to. (Holy crap, I just realized. I'm a  Nerd. **more soft crying**)
[X] You have hand washed a car before.

Total: 5

[ ] You can spell experience without looking it up. (God bless the public education system.)  
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name. ( Does "It's that a**hole again" count?)
[X] Your favourite kind of food is take-out.
[X] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need.
[X] You understand political jokes the first time they are said.
[X] You can type pretty quickly.

Total: 4

[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment.
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party. (Tupperware Party? What is this 1959?)
[ ] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay.
[X] You have been to the beach.
[X] You use the internet every day.
[X] You have been outside 3 or more times a day
[X] You make your bed in the morning.

Total: 4

Grand total:  22

What the heck does this mean? I'm 22 years old? Ok. What ever. You know what; it doesn't matter.
My Motto in Life sums it up best.

"Your only Young once, But you can be Immature forever."

Journal Skin by Thewinator
Shell stocks by huomennastock, chop-stock and hatestock
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GOOD NEWS EVERY ONE :icongoodnewsplz:......

I'm Back.

Ok. No one gives a crap. I'm fine with that.
But that doesn't change the fact that I'm back after several months.

First off, to all the people who has sent me comments; I'm so very sorry I've taken such a  long time  to respond to you.  My fault completely. I will respond too every comment sent to me ( It just might take dang near forever).
  The last few months have been extremely  busy for me.  It started with a crushing blow to me; the death of my best friend and companion of 21years: Nermal (my small black kitty). Her sudden passing sent me into a dark place; but by the grace of God, I was able to find my way back into the light. Just last week I adopted a new Cat from a local No-kill animal shelter called "The house of Mews". Her name is 'Koshka (its female-cat in Russian) and she is a 4 year old Russian blue.  What's amazing about her, is how incredibly affectionate she is. 'Koshka loves to ride on my shoulders as I walk around the house.   She makes me so happy. :-)
   In other news, I've discovered another new Joy in my life. Conventions and Cosplay. A friend of mine, here on DA, had been telling me for the longest of time how much fun going to Conventions and dressing up was. So I decided to give it a shot. And what do you Know, It's the  MOST FUN I've ever experienced.  A whole new world suddenly opened up for me. I was surrounded by thousands of my fellow geeks (It's difficult to put into words the feeling of being at home with all these people.).  My first Convention was GMX (Geek Media Expo) www.geekmediaexpo.com/ held in Nashville, Tn.  Its a Multi-Fandom convention (meaning it coves Gaming, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Robotics, Movies, Music, Anime, Technology, Cosplay, Steam Punk, Sports,  and everything in-between) designed with people my age in mind (20's and 30's). I built two costumes to take with me to the Con.: a Link (The Legend of Zelda) outfit and a Vault Dweller (Fallout 3 and New Vegas) costume.  I was at first worried that I might be the only guy there in Cosplay; but to my amazement 1/3 people were dressed up.  I was able to me hundreds of new people and make dozens of new friends. I took tons of photos; some of which I'll be posting in my Scrap folder.  Simply Fantastic.
    A few weeks after I got back home, I discovered another small Con in my home town of Memphis: The Memphis Comic and Fantasy Convention. This time I was able to convince my little brother to skip a few days of college and come with me. I dressed up as the Vault Dweller (again) and he went as Dr. Who (the 10th Dr.). The contrast in both size and content, between the two cons, was striking. However the one thing that stayed the same was the people attending. Once again I got to meet and befriend dozens of new (and a few that I'd meet at GMX) friendly folks.  And a wonderful time was had by all.
   I know this is a rather long and boring story, but I'll try to sum it all up simply.  After several months of emotional lows and highs, I've returned to Deviant Art. Now it's time for me to get back to my nature photography. I've got about 20 photos ready to post and several hundred waiting editing. So more then enough to keep be busy for some time. I hope you like them.

Happy Trials, my friends.

Journal Skin by Thewinator
Shell stocks by huomennastock, chop-stock and hatestock
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I'm thinking about changing my DA name. ~dingo84dog just doesn't sound very professional. Here are a few name I'm thinking of.

28 votes




~Dingo84dogs (Name unchanged)

(Make your own Suggestion in the Comments)

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I have returned. by DingoDogPhotography, journal

Happy Birthday Matt! by DingoDogPhotography, journal

I act like a 22 year old. (Stupid Title) by DingoDogPhotography, journal

Long time no see..... by DingoDogPhotography, journal

Winning!!!!!! by DingoDogPhotography, journal