So my name is Dina, and im living just outside Oslo in Norway.
I was born into a family with a Gamerdad, so i was introduced to The legend of Zelda when i was 3 years old, including Super Mario and Warcraft. I remember playing Super Mario 64 when i was 4 years old, and freaking out when i got to first Bowser. Had to get my dad to kill it, while i was hiding behind a chair. I played through Ocarina of time and A link to the past at the age of 10, i think. And after that, The legend of Zelda is something im really greatful of. It inspired me to draw and create my own videogame-characters
(ironicly enough, i dont like blonde guys, hihi).
For a while, i stopped drawing regular, but started playing World of Warcraft in 2009, and after that, ive had a thing for blood elfs (as you probably can see in my gallery). I try drawing general stuff too, since my facebook-friends think i draw too many elfes..