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Divair L Rosa
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Sunken mysteries - new contest! (closed) by Malleni-Stock, journal

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Jan 25
  • Brazil
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (109)
My Bio

Current Residence: Curitiba, Brazil
Favourite genre of music: 70's 80's Classic Rock
Favourite style of art: Impressionism, Surrealism, Abstract, Sci-Fi
Operating System: Windows 8.1
MP3 player of choice: My cell phone
Wallpaper of choice: The ones I design

Favourite TV Shows
I don't watch TV
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Cowboy Junkies, Poe, Siouxsie, David Bowie and so many others
Favourite Writers
Oscar Wilde, Tolkien, Isaac Asimov, Franz Kafka
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS5
Other Interests
I'm back  
anonymous's avatar
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Hello there!

0 min read
I've been absent for a long time, so first things first. THANK you all very much for adding my works to your favourites and featuring them, for adding me to your deviantWATCH, for your kind words and support. Said that, let's go down do work...    :icongooglechromeplz: :iconphotoshopplz:     
anonymous's avatar
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Yes, not much to talk about. Haven't been done much since the last submission in June, 2015. I put aside some projects that I'm trying to work at now... I haven't had much time since I was back to work 9 to 5, from Monday to Thursday and I don't have Photoshop in my laptop   I've been reading a lot and watching movies and series A friend of mine gave me The Demon Cycles series - The Warded Man and The Desert Spear. I didn't start reading it yeat, for I'm reading Wilbur Smith now - River God and The Seventh Scroll (I love everything about Egypt :D)   ...:iconwindows10plz: :iconfirefoxplz: :iconoperaplz: :iconphotoshopplz:
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Profile Comments 771

anonymous's avatar
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Metal-Bender's avatar

:iconhappybirthdaycakeplz::icondancingcatplz::iconhappybirthdaysignplz:Happy Birthday Divair!!:party::iconfuncakeplz::icongiftplz::iconbdayfireworks1plz::iconbdayfireworks2plz::iconchampagneplz:

Oleg-Bardenkov's avatar
Happy Birthday!!!!!Hug 
gala2025's avatar
START WELL the YEAR, with your HAPPY BIRTH DAY! Have a year that you can get all your dreams! Happy day, and receive as many Hugs or Hugs as YEARS DO!Hi! Airborne Popcorn I love deviantART! Flirtatious :squee: Jamming to tunes Star! SANSTA CLAUSE IS COMING TO TOWN  Setuma Peace Emoticon [GIF] FLOWEYalpBallora Icon The Mask  Edd running Fire breathing dragon Pokemon Emote - Pikachu and Ash Hug The Mask Thick Cream Swiss Roll 50x50 icon Kaitou Joker- Love Food Gadget Emoticon 83 Free Icon! Butterfly Sparkling Condiment Shuffle Higurashi - Rika Depressed Scanning in progress... - Metroid Starfire icon 4 Edd lenny face eyebrows wiggle  Pizza Cake with candles 50x50 icon I have an evil idea Emote Jimmy Icon
linux-rules's avatar
Hello! I gave you a llama because you used an icon of mine (wacom one) in the way is meant to be used in a journal (thank you!! Aww). You are encouraged to keep using my icons to show which tool, software, company or social web you used in the making of a deviation, in a journal, status post or comment. No credit for me is needed, and also no need to request permission, you have the right to use my icons :) (Smile)

If you use a tool, software or social web (or credit a character or company) I don't have the icon for, please tell me.

If you want 16x16 icons, you can search in my gallery by using the media menu and adding ultramini to the name of the software/etc you are searching. If you want to search by my icons you use "by:linux-rules"*. There are currently 4 sizes: normal, mid (35x35, there are few of these yet), mini (21x21) and ultramini (16x16). 

*this works with every artist, you can use that to search by other artist icons or works.

More info. Here a link to suggest: New icons (To-do) :) (Smile)

dilarosa's avatar
I'll certainly keep using them from now :D I tried to find a laptop icon at least as good as your Wacon one to put before the W10 icon in the jpurnal but I didn't find it. By the way, I used your Blender icon. Great icons those of yours and very useful. Thanks a lot for sharing Clap 
linux-rules's avatar
what model of laptop are you looking for? I can do precise models :)

really welcome :)