Heyo! I'm DigitalArtIsHard but you can call me Digi for short <3 (Or WiLdBeAsT, if you know you know ;0) I just like sketching, messing around ect... I'm semi-active at the moment, who knows that might change in the future. Uhhh, I draw cats and dragons, that's fun. I literally can't draw anything humanoid and yeah, that's me, have a great day/night!
Commisions ~ CLOSED
Art Trades ~ If I like your art (this is my personal opinion, it doesn't mean your art is better or worse than anyone elses)
Requests ~ Friends Only
Profile pic by Turtle4419
Friend List (I consider you a friend^^ If you would like to be removed from this list let me know)
Besties (I will always do anything and everything for you)
Friends (I will do anything and everything for you if I have time :P)