Custom Astromech Droid DesignDigital-Protocol on DeviantArt

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Custom Astromech Droid Design



I made this model a good few months ago. The idea behind it was to make a droid design I felt would have fit a Star Wars sequel trilogy.

So with that idea in mind, I tried to think of what felt like a natural progression of the astomechs we see in the Original Trilogy, while also taking into account a thirty-odd year technological progression and some creative license! 

I also attempted to think of an aesthetic a sequel trilogy could have posessed; would technology have progressed rapidly to a point where items have become very shiny and smooth, or would it still feel like a used-in galaxy? I felt the latter was an important idea to keep, while also pushing slight technological progress, given that technology in Star Wars develops at an extremely slow rate. 

I did toy with a fun aesthetic idea, where technology in the sequel-era would have regressed, given that technology in Star Wars almost seems to regress over spans of time, if you look at the technologies of the Old Republic era, to the still high-tech, but a bit more used, equipment of the prequel era, to a more industrial and broken down look in the original era.
However, I ultimately thought a sequel trilogy aesthetic should be a combination of the prequels and originals, to form a grand and noble look, to accompany a new republic and Jedi order.
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1920x1080px 1.65 MB
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RavinWood's avatar

this is pretty great but im not a 100% on the struts