Skye Reference sheetDiddleDoodles on DeviantArt

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Skye Reference sheet



Hello guys I'm sorry I haven't be=even drawing yet I've been working on a very special character and I am so so happy to finally bring her to you guys. I have had a lot of trouble with character creating, I wasn't really good at it, that's why I always went for people who drew Adoptable's because I just couldn't come up with anything nor draw a full body.

I had the artist :iconpuddingzz: make her reff for me, because like I said I can't do full bodies, she did such an amazing job, she also helped with the outfit color's which I'm so grateful for. 

I hope you guys like her <3 Whole thing was created by me, art and clothes color was created by :iconpuddingzz: 

I am happy to announce my official main character, Skye.

Skye is a mixed specie of elf, bird (Phoenix) and of course a bit of cat.

Her height is about 5,5 
Skye age is unknown but it seems her age stopped at age 19. Her personality is known as energetic, fun to be with, smart, cool and sexy. Her close and best friend is Rayon who belongs to my Bf. Though it seems they have a romantic feeling towards each other, but nothing has been confirmed.   

Skye is a powerful dream Mage, her magic is based on precision and blast damage. Her tail also has the ability to shoot feather daggers but it's a hard ability to master. Her most strongest ability is the dream cast. A strong bubble like ability with a white sleeping moth, or butterfly. 
Her most fun ability is making her scarf have two big hands at the ends. Other times it's just a scarf. 

As fun as Skye is you will see her, skipping, hoping, balancing on her tail or making lots of jokes. 

(More on her bio later when I think of it)
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2768x3508px 3.17 MB
© 2019 - 2025 DiddleDoodles
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