dichana's avatar


awww yeah
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (22)
My Bio

Current Residence: USA
Favourite genre of music: i don't know, i like a lot of things
MP3 player of choice: i have an ipod he's kinda awesome
Favourite cartoon character: right now it's totes russia and america
Personal Quote: "my biochemistry textbook is now my source of porn" it's so true

Favourite Writers
uh well not gonna lie i like jane austen
Favourite Games
MARIO anything mario
Other Interests
all kinds of things but mostly you hoho
Hey guys!I've got doujinshi to sell, and I'm trying to get rid of it ASAP!I've got:AXIS POWERS HETALIA ONE PIECE DEATH NOTE FINAL FANTASY VIIPlease take a look at them AT THIS LINK TO MY LJ:http://dichana.livejournal.com/100610.html#cutid1Thank you very much! Hope something there tickles your fancy!
anonymous's avatar
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guys I went to Nan Desu Kan this past weekendit was so AWESOME laskdjfasdfI went as Russia, I loved it, fuckin' sweetand I met some totally awesome people eeee ; 3 ;we're gonna have a Hetalia meet-up in like, 9 days I'm so excited aaahhhhffffff oh yeah, still in college, I'm a senior though awww yeah o/guys guys quick what can I do with a neuroscience major with a minor in asian studies ;;
anonymous's avatar
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So...there are a bunch of art thieves on this site...not surprisingly : |It's funny, 'cause these people claim to have drawn things that are obviously from Japanese fanart sites. That we've seen before. Everywhere. On Photobucket. And google.It's.....wow. People...I'm sure lots of others want to see your own work. You never know until you try~ Posting others' stuff is a terrible no-no.Hope I don't get in trouble for the "spam" thing. Whatever.Anyhoo, I'm planning on doing commissions, so if any of you guys are interested, note me or something! This goes out to any of you guys, especially, who would like more ZoLu |D;;; Still have to work o...
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RobbersDen's avatar
Are you able to come to come to Hetalia day Colorado this year?
MiniAliceSuperstar's avatar
Hi there! Do you take requests or art trades at this moment?:meow:

Btw,I love how you draw,specially the One Piece stuff:love:
I have just finished reading your fanfic, and i just wanted to let you know that i thought it was amazing! You have such an easy way of writting that is captivating to read! I'm sad that i've now finished it, you should continue it, I would totally carry on reading!! :)
dichana's avatar
thank you very much for that! it's been so long since i've written for it, and i know i've wanted to continue it (i've got an epilogue half-written on my computer), i just need to find the time! i'm glad you enjoyed, i know i had fun while writing it. i'll probably continue it sometime again, it's encouraging to know you and others would follow it then too :) thanks again!
Yotama's avatar
YOU'RE the author of my favorite fanfiction.net story O_O *bows down*
Aleksa19's avatar
awwww! Love your art! <3
Fruitiecutie's avatar
I'm fine with you pairing Luffy and Zoro up together but I always thought Luffy and Nami would end up together.