LPS Tickles: Tickle Attack! by Diana173076, literature
LPS Tickles: Tickle Attack!
Minka and Sunil had the entire day to themselves. Minka looked over to Sunil and noticed that he wasn't smiling. Minka doesn't like it when her friends are unhappy. She decided to at least cheer him up, and she knew exactly how to do it.
"Hey, Sunil... " said Minka, approaching him.
"Yes, Minka?" Sunil said, not knowing what he was in for.
"Do you want me to make you happy?" she asked, raising her hands and wiggling her fingers.
"Just... be gentle," Sunil said, now knowing that she was going to tickle him.
"Eh, if you say so," Minka said, starting to lightly tickle his tummy. "Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!"
"Minka, that tickles!" Sunil said, starting to laugh. Minka knew that she was succeeding with making him laugh the easy way. She wiggled her fingers all over Sunil's defenseless tummy, looking for a sensitive place to tickle.
"Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coochie coo!" Minka said as she tickled him. Sunil burst into laughter as his ticklish
Eqg Tickles: Starlight Glimmer by Diana173076, literature
Eqg Tickles: Starlight Glimmer
Starlight regained her consciousness only to find herself strapped down in a spread eagle position. She was wearing a crop top that exposed her tummy. On the table next to her, there were various tools intended for tickling and Starlight knew she was in for the tickle torture of a lifetime. Pinkie Pie showed up and approached her.
"HIIII STARLIGHT!" Pinkie said, grinning at her immobile friend.
"Um, why am I tied down?" Starlight asked, although she knew Pinkie was going to tickle her.
"I want to get you to laugh, by tickling you," said Pinkie, lifting her hands and wiggling her fingers. Before Starlight had the chance to respond, Pinkie started to lightly tickle her sides.
"Hehehe! That tickles!" Starlight said, giggling. Pinkie saw this and picked up a feather.
"Time for a feather attack!" Pinkie said, positioning the feather on her tummy.
"Eep! Please, n-not there!" Starlight said, her tummy quivering from the feather. Pinkie didn't listen and started to
A Ticklish Secret in the Kingdom by Diana173076, literature
A Ticklish Secret in the Kingdom
It's been a week since Princess Marble Pie's weddination (wedding/coronation) and now she is the Princess of Changelings. She was looking for her chance to leave the rock farm, and at her weddination, her wish was granted.
Now that Marble started her own life at the Changeling Kingdom, her job is to help other changelings understand how to handle love and she also has to deal with her brother-in-law, Pharynx.
Marble and Thorax were just hanging out together. Marble was resting her head and hoof on Thorax's shoulder.
"Hey, um... Marble?" Thorax said, breaking the silence.
"Yes?" Marble replied.
"Can you tie me down and tickle my torso pretty please?" Thorax said quickly.
"I thought you'd never ask!" Marble exclaimed, using her magic to tie his front hooves above his head and his back hooves together. She unfurled her wings. "Where do you want me to start?"
"Um, you decide," said Thorax, making it clear he wanted Marble to find his tickle spot on her own.
Pharynx was just in his special place in the Kingdom. He couldn't really call it a hiding place since Princess Twilight found him in a matter of seconds.
Smolder was now living with the changelings ever since Ocellus left to live in Ponyville, so she now knew where Pharynx liked to hang out. Like Marble, she was new to changeling rituals and tactics.
Pharynx and Smolder were just spending time together in that special place. Smolder carved out Do not disturb on a large flat stone. During their time together, Smolder poked Pharynx's side, making him jump and make a small noise.
"What was that reaction?" Smolder jokingly asked.
"N-nothing," Pharynx replied, trying to protect his sides. But Smolder, being a dragon, didn't buy it, since dragons can always tell when someone is lying.
"It didn't sound like nothing," Smolder said, walking two fingers on his belly, making him giggle. Seeing this, she tackled him and held him down, holding his front hooves above his head.
Rumble was just hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and the newly reformed Cozy Glow. He and Sweetie Belle, who is now a princess, have been dating for a while now. Everypony knew about them and couldn't contain their excitement. It was a good day today, except for one pony in particular. 
  Rumble was overcome with guilt over the whole blank flank vs cutie mark incident. Even though he still didn't have his cutie mark, he still couldn't stop thinking about all those ponies he talked into joining his side. Sweetie Belle took note of this and wanted to cheer him up, so she huddled with the other girls in the idea corner.
  "Rumble's upset and I want him to cheer up," Sweetie Belle said. "What can we do?" 
  "Let's try ticklin' him," Applebloom suggested. "It always works for Big Mac."
  "But I don't know his tickle spots," Cozy Glow admitted, concerned. 
  "Oh that's easy," said Sweetie. "He's ticklish in the common spots, but his worst spot is his stomach."
  "Oooh, princess knowledge," said Diamond Tiara. "I like it!" 
  The six fillies went over to Rumble. Sweetie used her magic to restrain him while the others got into position. He noticed that Sweetie, Scootaloo and Cozy, took out one of their own feathers and that's when he knew, they were going to tickle him. Sweetie took her feather and started slowly stroking it up and down Rumble's tummy. 
  "That tickles!" Rumble said, starting to laugh. He was extremely feather sensitive, especially on his tummy. Scoot and Cozy started tickling his sides with their feathers. 
  "Coochie coochie coo!" Cozy said as she tickled. Rumble started laughing hysterically. 
  "HAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIT!" Rumble said through his laughter as his friends tickled him. Diamond, Silver and Applebloom took feathers of their own and tickled as well.
  "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Diamond said, tickling his ribs more.
  The fillies picked up their tickling pace. Sweetie, Diamond and Applebloom tickled all over Rumble's tummy, Cozy and Scoot tickled his sides like it was their job, and Silver tickled his ribs. 
  "Seems like your tummy needs all the attention," Diamond said, and with that everyone tickled his tummy with the feathers, making him squirm.
  "PLEHEHEHEHEASE! NAHAHAHAT THE FEHEHEHEHEATHERS! STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIT!" Rumble pleaded through his laughter as his sensitive tummy was shown no mercy by the tickly feathers. 
  "Who's my ticklish boyfriend?" Sweetie teased. "You're my ticklish boyfriend! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" 
   "PLEHEHEHEHEASE MAHAHAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIHIHIT STAHAHAHAHAHAP!. THAT TIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!" Rumble found it very difficult to get any words out without being dissolved by laughter. 
  After twenty minutes of nonstop tickling, feeling like hours for Rumble, the girls stopped tickling him and let him go. He hugged his midsection and started catching his breath.
  "Feeling better?" Sweetie asked, putting her wing around him. 
  "Y-yes," Rumble said, leaning into her, grinning. 
  "Good," Cozy said.
  That night, all seven of them decided to have a sleepover at Sweetie Belle's house. 
I am a fan of many things. But there are somethings I have grown out of. I am the owner of Charity Crusaders and the shipper of Marblax. I headcanon that Caballeron becomes Fluttershy's personal pupil and that Cozy Glow can be reformed.
Favourite Visual Artist
Vincent Van Gogh
Favourite Movies
Harry Potter/ Ferris Bueller's Day Off/Home Alone/Aladdin/Tangled/Little Mermaid/Into The Woods/Twilight/ the Greatest Showman
Favourite TV Shows
Thundermans, Spongebob, Henry Danger, My Little Pony, Littlest Pet Shop, Teen Titans Go!, the Simpsons, Devil may Care, Pokemon
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Taylor swift/Meghan trainor/ Nick Jonas/ one D/Iggy Azalea/ Justin Bieber/Justin Timberlake/ Maroon 5