DFTBAplz's avatar


Don't Forget To Be Awesome
25 Watchers3 Deviations
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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (27)
My Bio

:iconnerdfighterjohnplz: :icondftbaplz: :iconnerdfighterhankplz:

Plz account made by Takkaia

Don't forget that brains attract
Darling fetch the battle axe
Decepticons fear this brilliant autobot
Do fish take baths a lot?
Dogs frequently take back apologies
Dreadful feudal treachery breeds atrocities
Darkened forests take bravery away
Doctor Freud's Topic Became Afflicting
Damn Facebook, too bloody addicting
I came Down for the baby's arrival
But the Dead father's thoughts became archival
Drunk fish try breathing air
Debutante's fame tarnished by affairs
Delano fears to be afraid

I don't know what you mean when you say
Please explain
What is DFTBA?

It's so Damn fine to be alive
Until your dorky farting turdface brother arrives
Difficult financial times bring apocalypse
Danes fear the burning acropolis
Donate for the blood association
Don't for the beaux's admiration
Delilah's fruitcake triggers belly-ache

Dead frogs teach bored anatomists
Delightful fans that blithely assist
Duel for the best acronym
Dark force to barely apprehend
Dastardly farmers took Bessie away
But she was Destined for the burger anyway
Distro falling through bleak Autumn
Don't forget to be awesome

Dandelions fly through blue air

Don't Forget To be Awesome

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Hank Green
Favourite Writers
John Green
Many of you probably noticed that the hands in the icon have been wrong this whole time. I noticed it the day after I made this account... but up until today I forgot/didn't bother to change it. Finally I've fixed it. I hope you like the new icon! If for some reason you don't like it or you have any suggestions to make it better, feel free to leave me a message.  If you leave a message on my main account, :devtakkaia:, I will get back to you much much faster, but either here or there will work. Thanks for this amazing positive response I've gotten to this account! :icondftbaplz:
anonymous's avatar
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Plz Accounts!!!

0 min read
I'm gonna try to make a list of a whole bunch of nerdy plz accounts on this page. If you have any you would like me to add, please feel free do comment with them!
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Profile Comments 58

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alexyorim's avatar
Crash Course definitely brought me here.
alexyorim's avatar
Hey yeah, Crash Course!
AshesAndEmbers's avatar
I'm the same as what the guy below me said!
R3Create's avatar
AAAAAAAA *tackes* x333
AshesAndEmbers's avatar
R3Create's avatar
I'm a furry nerdfighter! :P