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77 Watchers133 Deviations

The girl finally managed to tune the old radio and is now lost in a sweet trance

Medium: Traditional
Duration: 1hr 50mins

#Art #sketch #illustration #Drawing #Inktober2020 #Inking #inktoberchallenge #Inktober #Inktoberallyearlong #sketchdrawing #Inktoberday27 #inktoberday27music #Listening #Manga #mangaanimegirl

Filename by DevvyO

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User research

1 min read
Hello Peeps!

I'm conducting some basic user research on shopping behaviour (clothing) and awareness of new technology. If it isn't much trouble, can you answer the questions in the form below.

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And another one

2 min read
Tagged by Rennaya 

1. Winter or Summer?
    Winter - I like sleeping in.

2. What movie have you watched lately?
    Kubo and the Two Strings - LOVED IT!!!!

3. Would you like to dye your hair green?
    Was thinking silver... but green? I dunno. How would I look?

4. What's your favourite word?

5. Would you like to travel in space?
    I always had that thought. Be in space and see the vastness and how earth looks.
6. Have you ever been abroad?
    No :( I WANT TO!!!! This year I shall be going!! mwahahhahha

7. What color are your eyes?
    Somewhere between dark brown and black. In the light you can spot the brown tint. Else black majorly.

8. Do you have any pet?
    No :( I want one.

9. What languages do you speak?
    English - duh XD
    Indian languages: Marathi, Hindi, Konkani and Kannada
    Learning - Japanese

10. Where would you love to live?
      Japan. Yup.

11. What are you going to do today?
      Work on my stop motion animation project.

12. Would you like to go back in time?
      Would be awesome, go back in time with my current knowledge and be awesome than I was XD

13. What time is in there?
      Right now its 7:35 PM

Well I ain't making questions XD Already made them before.

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Tagged by AlexaXVMichaelis 

1. Dc, Marvel, or both?
    DC for the win!!

2. Full names, and what is your pseudonym?
    Really? Well Deviprasad. Pseudonym is my current dA username XD DevvyO

3. If you were turned immortal what age would you prefer to be stuck eternally at?
    My current age I guess. 24

4. Which celebrity would you ever marry?
    Koharu Sugawara *w*

5. Name one thing you regret doing
    Nothing till now I think. I owned all my actions and thought about it carefully. Yes I think a lot before I act.

6. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
    Neither XD Not much of a fan. If I really had to choose, then I would go for LOTR

7. One form of social media you hate.
    Twitter. Never got used to it for some reason.

8. One thing people do that is annoying
    Being negative and complaining about how unfair their life is. Cmon! Grow up, realize and take measures to make it right. Yes, you do need an outlet but don't brood over it all the time and affect the others around you.

9. What would you give to everyone that would change the world, besides peace?
    Humanity. Yes this basic nature is missing in us these days. We sympathize but we never empathize.

10. If you were President what are 4 things you would do to change America?
    America? Well I'm from India, so I would probably be the president here first XD But I find myself going out and settling somewhere new. Maybe Germany. I'm not cut out for a presidential role. I can guide and help people but never lead them.

Well I already made a question set before. So my brain is too tired to make another one and pass the chain. So I'll stop here. But I would probably tag you AlexaXVMichaelis on that previous one XD

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6 min read
I have been tagged by this wonderful human chapparalgirl to do this journal challenge? Well there are some rules to be followed.

*loudspeaker on*


  1. Post all the rules mentioned here.
  2. Each person has to share 13 things about themselves.
  3. Answer the 13 questions that's been asked to you and invent 13 questions for the tagged people to answer.
  4. Nominate your 13 people.
  5. You legitimately have to tag those chosen 13 people.
  6. You cannot say you don't do tags. You must do it. just DO IT!!! 
  7. Tag-backs are allowed.
  8. You must make it a journal entry and not comment under it. Unless you're talking about the Journal Entry.
  9. You have to finish within a week. If you don't finish in time, well you're just a lazy ass and shall get fat -.-

Alright, so here are the questions that were asked to me:

Favorite anime and why?
Eureka 7.
initially I found it boring but really got hooked onto it for the story, the characters, the groovy music and the art.
It talks about falling in love with different kinds of people, mankind destroying the planet's ecological balance and how the planet fights back, about freedom of expression - all in sync with eargasmic tracks. I would watch it again and again.

Favorite song(must also type favorite lyrics to song teehee ya know ta keep it groovy)
Have quite a lot actually. I usually listen to indie and trance music.
Well currently stuck in my mind and that I listen to it often is All Time Low by John Bellion. (Youtube)
I, was the knight in shining armor in your movie
Would put your lips on mine and love the aftertaste
Now I'm a ghost, I call your name, you look right through me
You're the reason I'm alone and masturbate
Yup... you heard that right. 

Tell me a good personality trait of yours and why (I won't judge what you say I already think you're perfect)
Probably being patient and enduring. I think this trait of mine is good considering what I go through everyday in my life. You're surrounded by various kinds of people, drama, moments, and incidents that you would have to patient to absorb it all, let go of the things that disrupt your sanity, and be enduring to all the negativity and make it positive. Help people out, bring them out from it.

Favorite catch phrase
Daayyummm Son.
Awww yissss.
You want some ass whoopin'?
Boom shakalaka.
Which fictional character, in whatever you've watched/read, would you consider dating?
Erza Scarlet from the anime Fairy Tail <3.<3
The Enchantress from Suicide Squad *w* rrrrrrrrr

Is the S or the C silent in scent?
The letter 'C' is silent if you consider the latin origin of the word. (Yes I googled it -3-)

If you're waiting for the waiter aren't you the waiter?
But am I taking orders? Nope. I'm still a customer waiting for my chicken, hungrily.

If tomatoes' a fruit, isn't ketchup a smoothie?
Well that's just weird isn't it? Eating fries dipped in smoothie.

If we can't see air do fish see water?
I guess yes. We kinda see air when we exhale on a cold winter. So probably the fish can see water when they fart bubbles XD mwahahaha

Would you ever want to meet me in real life if given the chance? Why?
Definitely. You seem like a fun and wonderful person and the fact that I know only so much about you, makes me interested to know more about you, to talk to you, and meet you. You never know, we could be the best of friends like Timon and Pumba XD

Rain drop...(betta answer right)

Would you rather own a giant snow globe or a giant lava lamp? (like the one in shark tale*if you've never seen it I suggest you WATCH IT*)
Lava lamp!! Always wanted one of those. You just stare at them, trance music playing in the background and you feel sleepy and you're in a different dimension!

Is there a meaning behind your first name? (mine for example personality wise is known for pure and simple)
Deviprasad = "God's blessing"
Well considering the shenanigans I do, I'm less Godly? XD hahaha

So, that's done. Now for the nominations.
I tag:

Here are your questions (huehuehue)
  1. Why do you do art?
  2. Ever got into a fist fight? What was the result? (meh, just curious)
  3. The world is about to end and you gotta shit real bad. And there's two doors - One is a dimension leading you to a safer place. Two is a restroom - what would you do? 
  4. I come to your city one day - out of the blue - and I contact you. What's your first thought?
  5. Do you have trypophobia? (Dunno what it means? Google it and you'll know if you have it)
  6. Random question - Are you a pervert?
  7. Are you a dog or a cat person? Why?
  8. If we were stuck in a room together, what do you think would happen?
  9. Would you wanna art trade with me?
  10. Do you think you have changed from how you were before? Why did you change?
  11. Share me your top 5 songs in your head right now?
  12. Your body was swapped with the other sex, what would you do?
  13. What makes you happy in this world?

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And another one by DevvyO, journal

Tagged by DevvyO, journal

Art requests by DevvyO, journal

Learning a new language by DevvyO, journal

Exams!!! by DevvyO, journal