Current Residence: Tucson, Arizona USA deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL Favourite style of art: Miscellaneous Operating System: Mac osx Personal Quote: "May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future"
I has been working on and off on an project of mine.. Dining table with whole sketch of characters cartoons over table.. sure takes time.. Looking forward to complete it someday soon.. And working on sketches Dying to paint soon!! Probably wait until summer goes down.. where im from is 100 degrees out in summers. so its wack!
Been out missing Deviantart.. Just have to leave to texas for bit and bunch of things.. things is roling into. Glad everyone still alive and kicking and killin some artwork.. so mad props! to all! im going to paint some mural this sunday and going to upload little stuff that i worked lately.. peace outDEVO