Main love has always been recording music, been doing it over a decade... Also dabble in graphic/web design, motion graphics and special effects, 3D modeling and animation, game level design... and many more areas, past and present...
Favourite Movies
Airplane, Animal House, Naked Gun... any silly comedy
Favourite TV Shows
Family Guy, South Park, etc
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Aesop Rock, El-P, Cage, Mr lif, Company Flow, The Juggaknots, The Grouch, Eligh, MURS, Zion I, Slum Village, People Under the Stairs, Apathy, Jurassic 5, Rick James, George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic, The Ojays, The Dramatics, and many many many more
Favourite Games
the Battlefield series
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, After Effects, FL Studio, Sound Forge, 3DS Max, Softimage & more