Current Residence: BrushFire Houston Tx
deviantWEAR sizing preference: xxxtra large
Print preference: 64 page books from either Badcog or Brushfire
Favourite genre of music: Rap,Funk, and Metal
Favourite photographer: Playboy's Staff, The guys on Deviant
Favourite style of art: Comic books
Operating System: My old Atari system
MP3 player of choice: whatever you like
Shell of choice: N/a
Wallpaper of choice: Vida G. BUFFY THE BODY Stacy Dash
Skin of choice: Raven,Meagan Goode
Favourite cartoon character: Akila Monroe,Las Locas,Oblivion,Gothic,Scalez,Showdown,Gears,
Personal Quote: Do The Damn Thang, Take no prisoners,Whatever