*I'm really bad for getting way to many projects going at once
and taking forever to finish them.
*I am usually running behind schedule on most everything I do.
*My life is always full of things that keep me busy and It seems I never have time
to get them all done.
*I'm 40 yrs Old and Live in the great state of Kentucky but born in Ohio.
*I enjoy playing my guitar alone or with my band.
*I love Friday nights because that's my "ME" time and I can set alone in my
game room and drink a few beers while I play Warcraft, Listen to music
or play my guitar.
*I try to be extremely creative in everything I do.
*Aside from art I like to build or make things for my house that reflect who I am.
*I drink way to much Full Throttle energy drink and sometimes I
don't always eat as healthy as I should. but I do try to take care of my self
and stay as healthy as I can.
*All in all I love life and the people I share it with as chaotic as it seems to get
at times.
Thanks for visiting my page
Current Residence: Kentucky USA
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Favourite genre of music: Rock & Blues
Favourite style of art: Fetish & Fantasy
Operating System: Windows
Skin of choice: Pale White
Favourite cartoon character: Betty Boop