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dianica manage to get back to the villa grounds with her new and extremely heavy doll friend and placed her on the couch and dianica sat down as well to cath her breath "pheeeww, you are one heavy doll but we made it back welcome to your new home" said dianica and she wanted to show ruth and shirona but they were fast asleep and dianica didn't want to wake them up so she went to see if kaguya was in her room but she wasn't there but a note. " dear dianica and ruth, went to go check out inkopolis to try out the turf war be back soon, kaguya" said the note and dianica was worried. "oooohhhh boy i hope no one gets her mad cause she has a short temper if something were to annoy her and i pray for the inkling who doesn't tick her off
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1700x2200px 536.74 KB
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Dianica buy this cutey doll! :3 I want hug her (and the doll too x3)