I updated my Gallery Folders! The "Featured" one still has everything I post, ordered by most recent, but I added some extra folders for some very specific Comics or series of pics that conform the "Main Story" let's say, and ordered from left to right
Here you go!!
Original Trio - Season 0 (Initial pics from the time where Polly was basically Artic but female xD)
The Rivals' First Strike (Rivals Trio's debut)
The Original Trio Strikes Back!
Rough Enough (Roxie's debut)
Backstory Comics (How the Original Trio + Roxie met, and how the Rivals met)
The Beach Episode!
Polly to the Rescue!!! (Follow-up from "The Beach Episode")
Carnival Chaos (Artic and Citra's debut)
Unavoidable (Carnival Trio's debut)
In addition, I assorted some other Special Folders for some non-main comics and other stuff ^^
Crossover Clash
Order vs Chaos
Anime and Videogame Crossovers
Multiple Parts Comics
Have a fun "binge-watch"!!