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devi-toshi2002's avatar
no this cant be so but it is.

when i was 14 i always that i was so mature and that i had amazing friends that i would never loose and now that im 16 ive realized that all of that was a lie.   I've grown and ive realized that im no way shape or form mature.  Though i have matured a lot i believe since i was 14 but still not enough to be called mature.  I've loved anime since i was a little kid.  All i used to do when i was a kid was watch Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura and my favorite movie was Kiki's Delivery Service.  I've been a anime freak for as long as i can think of.  And theres no way im a Weeaboo.  I've never wanted to be Japanese ive just been interested in there history like the greeks.  Japanese people have really hard lives and i would not be able to handle being in there shoes.  I started cosplaying since last year when Gen-con started and god i was horrible at it.  I was Kaito and i did not have a wig for him yet so i dyed my hair.  it was sad and ive deleted all proof of it.  Now ive got a wig and im proud of my Kaito cosplay and the other cosplays ive made.


I always that i had awesome friends that i would never want to loose but now that im a Junior in High School ive realized that ive grown apart from most of them.  They dont act like the same person anymore.  I know people change and i guess ive just grown out of the majority of my friends.  There are still some that i enjoy hanging out with and then theres others i just dont want to see.  All they seem to do now is fight and start shit that doesnt involve them.   During this past summer I've made a lot new friends that are in cosplay  and i find them as my main group of friends.  They live a little whiles away but i hope i can see them more often.  

i guess i made this journal to tell myself that people change.  I change and thats just how life works.  People get tired of the same people they always see so they move onto other friends.  So i hope since i wont be able to see these friends all the time.

Thanks to all my friends that ihave now.  you guys are amazing :33  But i hope i can teach some of them what personal space is

© 2011 - 2025 devi-toshi2002

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