Up and Ahead: Fake PosterDetectiveRJ on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/detectiverj/art/Up-and-Ahead-Fake-Poster-396788015DetectiveRJ

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Up and Ahead: Fake Poster



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So, I felt like doing another fake poster and Skailla's recent submissions of some Up and Ahead characters has inspired me to have another whack at making a fake poster for her comic series, Up and Ahead.

I finally found out what font they use for the credits listing on DVDs and posters, it's called SteelTongs and is actually free to download here: www.abstractfonts.com/font/115…

With the exception of William H. Tuntke and Bob Broughton (and Skailla herself), all the people in the credits are related to Western films in some way or another, whether they be dead or alive. The studios mentioned are also named after famous dogs in film and history.

The clipart I used for the little studio logos: decalindia.com/images/decals/g… and comps.canstockphoto.com/can-st…
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1680x2678px 4.14 MB
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wolfhighbred's avatar
why you get hopes up for a movie and then tell us its not happening yet?! this poster is to real to be fake