Wish OC-Prince AtlasDetective88 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/detective88/art/Wish-OC-Prince-Atlas-997845239Detective88

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Wish OC-Prince Atlas



I am so pumped to see Wish tomorrow, so I created this OC in my brain as I was listening to A Bronx Tale: The Musical, which ironically Arianna DeBose was in before voicing Asha. And I figure I come up with this idea where Asha would have a love interest. 

Personally, if the film was supposed to callback to all the films from the old days, it would make a good idea for Asha to have a prince to help her in her, Valentino and Star's quest to free the wishes.

And the twist here is that he's the son of the villain rather than someone against the villain, thus having an extra conflict. 

This is Prince Atlas, the son of King Magnifico and Queen Amaya who had just turned 19 years old at the time of the movie's beginning and his wish is to find true love and help the people of Rosas. He once looked up to his father wanting to be just like him, giving wishes to the people, but he finds out how cruel, manipulative and greedy his father is in the fact that he's actually hoarding the wishes to obtain more power in his rule, Atlas disowns his father and ends up joining Asha in her quest where they both meet Star. 

Along the way, of course, Asha and Atlas fall in love much to his father's dismay. 

*This will be updated when everyone seen the movie, so I'm going to leave it at that* 

I inspired him from various Disney princes of the past specifically Florian(Snow White), Prince Eric(The Little Mermaid) and Aladdin. He's very outgoing and loves to explore the kingdom when his father isn't looking and gets himself into trouble. He falls in love with Asha when she goes to  meet with his father and visa versa, but they take time to fall in love as they have to free the wishes from King Magnifico. 

Valentino and Star also like Atlas and Star even tries to push him and Asha to be together(almost literally), but it takes the Seven Teens a little time because obviously he's royal and they're not. 

My headcanon voice for him is Bobby Conte Thornton who played Calogero "C" in A Bronx Tale: The Musical which Arianna DeBose performed in as C's love interest Jane. 

Atlas: (C) Me
Wish: (C) Disney 
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Daniarts19's avatar

That’s a opinion respected on their ship