Find my WayDestinyBlue on DeviantArt

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Find my Way



No matter how far I go, I'll find my way, because home is not one place, but the people who welcome me with open arms :heart:  

Sketched on my flight from Sydney to Perth - it's amazing to feel so at home so far away, especially at a time where my country has decided to close it's arms :( (Sad) 
Just thought I'd update you about the adventures with a sneek peek into to sketchbook ;);) :heart: :heart:

Will finish off the last two chapters of my mental health story soon - I managed to lose my Wacom pen on the flight - but serendipitously Wacom had a booth at the show and the lovely Alex kindly came over and gave me a pen! Amazing! Thanks Wacom! :heart: 

I've got the last day of Perth Supanova convention tomorrow, so will enjoy that, and then chill out for a few days before flying all the way back to my homeland England! United Kingdom 

Peace, Love and Elbow Room,
Blue xx

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