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Deviation Spotlight

  • July 19, 1986
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (129)
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
My Bio

The Obligitory Emo-ish Desaturated Self Portrait ID image is an inside joke between myself and :iconcybra2003: - I'm not emo, I just really needed a haircut.

And I also really needed a new ID. Shrug

Current Residence: Hillbilly Hell, Tennessee. SAVE ME!
Favourite genre of music: A majority of all music
Favourite photographer: My mom
Favourite style of art: oh...that's a toughie...The stuff where ambient light is superimposed is pretty cool.
Operating System: I operate on chocolate, orange soda, comments, and the support of my beloved friends <3
MP3 player of choice: the Iwish
Shell of choice: A big one I can pop out of and scare people
Wallpaper of choice: Art made for me by my friends
Skin of choice: A slightly less acne prone one wouls be nice, ya know what I mean?
Favourite cartoon character: GIR from Invader Zim, KND, Dexter, Double D, Ben10
Personal Quote: "Join the Club!"

Favourite Visual Artist
Those who dont use bases
Favourite Movies
Flyboys, Lord of the Rings, Spirited Away
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Black Eyed Peas FTW
Favourite Writers
JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien, Lemony Snicket, and ELECKTRUM
Favourite Games
Psychonauts, FusionFall, TEAM FORTRESS 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
all of them!
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, eyes, paper, computer, watercolors, chalk, acrylic paints, pastels, VisTablet
Other Interests
Animals, lil kids, art, guitar, theatre, birds
So, I got tagged by :iconyeejian:here goes~Meme Rules: 1-&gt;You must post these rules. 2-&gt;Each person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal. 3-&gt;Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create ten new questions for the people you tag to answer. 4-&gt;You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. 5-&gt;Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him. 6-&gt;No tag backs. 7-&gt;No crap in the tagging section about \&quot;you are tagged if you\&#039;re reading this.\&quot; You have to tag 10 peopleTen things about me: 1. I have four labradors 2. I love birds! 3. I put a blue streak in my hair this week 4. ...I cou...
anonymous's avatar
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So, my dad was mowing the lawn this morning, and found a pink wallet near the road.He showed me the ID inside and asked me if it was anyone I recognized - my sister has lots of friends over frequently and he thought it might belong to one of them, but I didn&#039;t recognize it.I told him I&#039;d take it inside, look up the name and address on it, and see if I couldn&#039;t dig up a phone number so we could return it.The first thing in the wallet was an ID card belonging to a woman in a city an hour from where I live. I looked up the address on her license and there was no phone number listed. I kept on looking through the wallet to see if I could find ...
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Its Over

0 min read
So, as you know from previous journal entries, my mom has been in Texas for nearly two months taking care of her mother and older brother(my uncle and grandma), who were both ill with terminal cancer.My uncle died on Friday the 13th in April, same day I was admitted to the hospital with my life-threatening MRSA infection on me left cheek under my eye. Even after five weeks, I&#039;m still bedridden due to complications in my recovery due to mononucleosis and will likely remain bedridden for weeks to come.Well, I didn&#039;t post it here, but on the five week anniversary of Uncle Joe&#039;s death, my grandmother died in my mothers arms in my grandmother&#039;s...
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Profile Comments 618

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chibi-chimera's avatar
Dreamer-Of-Creation's avatar
Happy Birthday!!!

I hope you have a fantastic day as you deserve it!!~

I love your art, and it only improved over time~

You draw so much of my otp (dexterandben)
And I can't thank you enough for that, and the little stories in the description are glorious.

Have a fantastic day beyond happiness, filled with joy~
8TeamFriends8's avatar
i-M-O-L's avatar
Thanks for the favs!

:iconkittydividerpinkplz:Thank you so much for the fave (⌒▽⌒) <3:iconkittydividerpinkplz:

NinjaBearBear09's avatar
Thank you for the fav