The Obligitory Emo-ish Desaturated Self Portrait ID image is an inside joke between myself and - I'm not emo, I just really needed a haircut.
And I also really needed a new ID.
Current Residence: Hillbilly Hell, Tennessee. SAVE ME!
Favourite genre of music: A majority of all music
Favourite photographer: My mom
Favourite style of art: oh...that's a toughie...The stuff where ambient light is superimposed is pretty cool.
Operating System: I operate on chocolate, orange soda, comments, and the support of my beloved friends <3
MP3 player of choice: the Iwish
Shell of choice: A big one I can pop out of and scare people
Wallpaper of choice: Art made for me by my friends
Skin of choice: A slightly less acne prone one wouls be nice, ya know what I mean?
Favourite cartoon character: GIR from Invader Zim, KND, Dexter, Double D, Ben10
Personal Quote: "Join the Club!"