Fake Mega Drive cover: AgnikenaDesenhoExperiment on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/desenhoexperiment/art/Fake-Mega-Drive-cover-Agnikena-1121847401DesenhoExperiment

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DesenhoExperiment's avatar

Fake Mega Drive cover: Agnikena



Here's an interesting thing about my experience with video games, although I grew up in the playstation 2 era, I also played a fair amount of mega drive and SNES games, I used to have a disc with a bunch of mega drive games that I used to play on a very old computer, unfortunately the computer eventually died with the disc inside. That being said, I eventually got my hands on a mega drive collection for the playstation 2, it didn't have nearly the same amount of games, but what it did have was pretty good.

As for SNES games, I used to have an actual SNES console, I don't remember what happened to it, and I only had Super Mario World, Goof Troop, and a really bad Tom and Jerry game, but one day I got a playstation 2 disc for my birthday that was a SNES emulator and somehow it got lost while I was trading it with a friend.

In this modern day and age, I can easily find SNES and Megadrive games, or really anything below the power level of a playstation 1, to play online.

Something interesting about this image is that I did a few fake SNES cover art in the past, but the last one I did was 5 years ago, which means that the quality of those drawings are not the best compared to what I can create now, also, those were SNES games, but I decide to try a Mega Drive game this time around.

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Juanicolas04's avatar

Have you thought about creating a video game where Rekha appears for the first time?