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Seriously pissed that I need Core just to change my nick >_<" Gahhhh!

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Currently trying to turn the Janine artwork into an actual cel. It's printed on projector sheet, my paints are lousy for the task and my progress is slow, but it's slowly getting somewhere. My utter respect to all the animators who actually animated this way.
Check out the current progress here

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Click the link, you can trust me :p (Lick)

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<da:embed id="ZjXbV971Tng" profile="youtube" width="560" height="315">…

I'm providing updated tilesets and other graphics.

Stay tuned

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Making some progress on the Dark Souls My Omelette remake. While there's luckily not too much work on the actual animation front, there's a hell lot of still pics. At least that means there are also lots of oppurtunities to add as many different charas as possible.

Here's a sneak peak at some WIP shots

LEGENDary failure…

Mildred as never seen before (slightly NSFW)…

Nameless King, ruling storms or something...…

Currently I'm cleaning up the Nameless King's animation cycle. Still several jumpy spots there, and I'm not perfectly happy with the size relations, but meh... I hope it'll get a pass in this SD style ;D

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Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit Reveal Trailer by DerZocker, journal

RAN RARARAN - YAN YAYAYAN by DerZocker, journal

Sonic Time Twisted is done! by DerZocker, journal

SAGExpo IS LIVE by DerZocker, journal

SAGE is coming by DerZocker, journal