30 years old, Portuguese, History geek with a major crush on Renaissance and Tudor fashion.
My Deridolls were a way of combining that love with my passion for crafts.
If you're curious about commissioning a Deridoll, a FAQ can be found here: deriana.livejournal.com/98636....
Commission List:
Cauldron + brooms + cats - (Jan - FB)
Pirate wench - Meredith - FB
Pre-reserve - Martina - FB
Katherine of Aragon - Sarah - FB
pre-reserve - Chloe
pre-reserve - Sherry - e-mail
Mary Poppins - Ninia - FB
Minotaur? - Mary - FB
Castiel - Rachel - FB
Rose - Sarah - e-mail
Maria+uncle - Helen - FB
Elizabeth of York+Katherine of Aragon - Emily - FB
Poldark - e-mail
Katherine of Aragon + MAry Tudor - Charlie - FB
Regresso ao Futuro - Filipa - FB
Isabel de Portugal - Garoa - FB
Van Gogh - Shay - FB
Custom Anne Boleyn - Alexis - deviant
Short to-do list (personal) (in no particular order):
Catherine de Medici - www.shafe.co.uk/crystal/images...
Isabel of Portugal - upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia...
Other Isabel of Portugal - www.laguia2000.com/wp-content/...
Lion-o - blogs.westword.com/latestword/...
Adam Ant
La Pieta
Dita von Tease
Cards and rose bush